A random Idea for N3V to market Trainz.



This is pretty random but since i couldn't find any reference in the Forums i thought id put it into the forums and see what happenes.

Today at EB games a young teenager and his father saw me looking at simulator games and approached me and asked if i could sugest a good Simulator for them as they love trains. As a Loyal Trainzer i gave them details about Trainz and the "Ultrarealistic" soon to be released Trainz: A new Era Simulator and 12 years of products to Explore right now. The Duo were from Oxenford near Wet n Wild and had no idea that in the suburb next to them, Made by and supported by the economy of Greater Brisbane an Australian Train Simulator. They were hooked line and sinker and wanted to buy the game on the spot, it was quite an amazing experience to Suggest Trainz. :cool:

As i got home i thaught of how many other potential Trainzers were here in Brisbane and how could a broader message be relayed. Why not the Brisbane EKKA, Emagin it, A Trainz pavilion along side the Queensland Rail one, Talking about Trainz and the folks behind it so that we could locally in the Trainz Office back yard Promote the game at the show? Of course there are international backers of Trainz around the globe, so why not find Equivalent shows in other country's too, powered by fans?
Seems like a good idea to me. I don't know if you've ever attended the Brisbane Model Train show, but the Ipswich Railway Workshops does sell the latest versions of Trainz from their store and they do advertise and sell Trainz at the show as well. The TrainPictures stall also sometimes has Trainz version but last time I saw Trainz in their stall, they only had TRS2006 and Trainz Classics 1 & 2.

The Australian Model Railway Association, of which I am a member, has a Tilt Train cab shell next to the Zillmere clubhouse, which is my local clubhouse. The Club is pondering whether to set it up as a simulator or a ticket booth. I'm planning to contact N3V and see if they'd be willing and able to assist the Club set it up as a simulator. I can also offer my Trainz and general computer expertise to the Club. That would be an excellent way to further promote Trainz, especially as it targets fellow rail enthusiasts.

If you can make it to this year's Brisbane Model Train Show, look out for me on either Suggitt's Siding or Mansfield Branch. :D

A Trainz pavilion in or near the QR one at the Ekka would also be a good idea, maybe with some screenshots or video footage of how the 2100 class and PB15 look in T:ANE?

Seems like a good idea to me. I don't know if you've ever attended the Brisbane Model Train show, but the Ipswich Railway Workshops does sell the latest versions of Trainz from their store and they do advertise and sell Trainz at the show as well. The TrainPictures stall also sometimes has Trainz version but last time I saw Trainz in their stall, they only had TRS2006 and Trainz Classics 1 & 2.

The Australian Model Railway Association, of which I am a member, has a Tilt Train cab shell next to the Zillmere clubhouse, which is my local clubhouse. The Club is pondering whether to set it up as a simulator or a ticket booth. I'm planning to contact N3V and see if they'd be willing and able to assist the Club set it up as a simulator. I can also offer my Trainz and general computer expertise to the Club. That would be an excellent way to further promote Trainz, especially as it targets fellow rail enthusiasts.

If you can make it to this year's Brisbane Model Train Show, look out for me on either Suggitt's Siding or Mansfield Branch. :D

A Trainz pavilion in or near the QR one at the Ekka would also be a good idea, maybe with some screenshots or video footage of how the 2100 class and PB15 look in T:ANE?


I havent had the pleasure of visiting a model railway club, but i am more than keen to go to one, my wife and i would enjoy it greatly. When will there be another one of these club meetings? The RnA royal show pavilion registration will open soon for this years EKKA in August. Meeting up with enthusiasts at the Railway museum at Ipswich (If thats not at Ipswich pls let me know) sounds a good way to support Trainz in person.

I remember several years ago when I was a kid, probably around late 2007, my parents brought me to the Great Train Expo in Del Mar, California. The expo comes through every December and visiting to buy used model trains had become an annual thing for my family (plus, my parents used it as a great source of Christmas presents for me). Anyway, that year they had this booth with a computer monitor on a table. Turned out to be a booth showing off Trainz, with a guy driving the 04 Big Boy model around a simple layout in DCC mode, demonstrating how to change speed and direction as well as the track switches, coupling and decoupling, and industries. A sizeable group of other kids had gathered around to watch, since most of them had gotten bored of following their parents around to look at the models for sale. It captured my interest and (after a brief fling with MTS) I bought TRS06.

In short, I was first exposed to Trainz at a model train show, along with a bunch of other youngsters. Having a booth set up as a demo, or even with a video preview of it, will catch the attention of plenty of potential Trainzers. It worked pretty well in Del Mar.
Hello Jared,

It appears my post may have been a little difficult to interpret correctly so I shall clarify.

I havent had the pleasure of visiting a model railway club, but i am more than keen to go to one, my wife and i would enjoy it greatly. When will there be another one of these club meetings?
I mentioned no club meetings; please clarify what you mean here. :)

The RnA royal show pavilion registration will open soon for this years EKKA in August. Meeting up with enthusiasts at the Railway museum at Ipswich (If thats not at Ipswich pls let me know) sounds a good way to support Trainz in person.
The Ipswich Railway Workshops has its own stall at the yearly Brisbane Model Train show, which is back at the RNA Showgrounds this year. The Ipswich museum will have a stall at this show and should be promoting and selling Trainz as usual. If the Zillmere club decide to set up the Tilt Train cab shell as a simulator, it will most likely be used at next year's show for the public to come in and use.

You might like to have a look at this page of the AMRA site detailing the Brisbane Model Train Show: http://amra.asn.au/qld.htm
(Site may or may not work - the Club has sadly been having some problems with hackers on the site deleting information)

If you want to attend a show at Ipswich, there is one weekend in November when a model train show is held at the Ipswich Railway Museum. Last year I looked after the layout 'Mansfield Branch' at the show, I'm not sure what I'll be doing for this year's show. That one may be easier for you to attend. There's also a simulator set up, by Auran, in a diesel locomotive cab at the museum that is hooked up to Trainz 1.3, and there's also 5 small computers with numpads that can be operated to run another set of Trainz 1.3 games.

The large simulator is what I propose be copied and put into the Tilt Train shell mentioned earlier.

Hi Kieran.

Sorry about the misinterpretation mate. I read too quickly through your post ""Australian Model Railway Association, of which I am a member, has a Tilt Train cab shell next to the Zillmere clubhouse, which is my local clubhouse"".

@ azurerail,

This concept was done by Auran several years ago, it was called "Trainz on the Road" and they
allowed you a ticket in your signature if you took part in this promotion. As per 1st ticket in my banner, "TotR".
I did sessions at Ipswich Workshops as well as the Brisbane Model Railway Show and the Toowoomba Model Railway Show
with Lance Jago and James Moody for about 5 years, this was organised through Auran but unfortunately it was discontinued.

So I wish you good luck to revitalise this because for at least the local market I think it is a winner.
(I would be available again)


@ azurerail,

This concept was done by Auran several years ago, it was called "Trainz on the Road" and they
allowed you a ticket in your signature if you took part in this promotion. As per 1st ticket in my banner, "TotR".
I did sessions at Ipswich Workshops as well as the Brisbane Model Railway Show and the Toowoomba Model Railway Show
with Lance Jago and James Moody for about 5 years, this was organised through Auran but unfortunately it was discontinued.

So I wish you good luck to revitalise this because for at least the local market I think it is a winner.
(I would be available again)


Very interesting indeed. Since i have only been with the Trainz comminity since 2009, The heratage of this remarkable Simulators history i Missed, but have wanted to Explore Where Auran Came from and why their company changed to N3V?
@ azurerail,

This concept was done by Auran several years ago, it was called "Trainz on the Road" and they
allowed you a ticket in your signature if you took part in this promotion. As per 1st ticket in my banner, "TotR".
I did sessions at Ipswich Workshops as well as the Brisbane Model Railway Show and the Toowoomba Model Railway Show
with Lance Jago and James Moody for about 5 years, this was organised through Auran but unfortunately it was discontinued.

So I wish you good luck to revitalise this because for at least the local market I think it is a winner.
(I would be available again)


Hello Bill,

I too would be in favour of bringing back this programme, and I would like to take part - if I'm not managing a layout at a particuar show! :D

Hi All
Trainz On The Road is still going, but not to the degree it used to, as those who ran them have moved on or become time poor in recent years. It is also becoming increasingly more expensive to run the stalls.

There are definitely groups in the US running Trainz stalls, and there was a group in Victoria (Australia) doing them until last year.

So, if you are interested, please contact us (via the helpdesk) and we can see what can be organized. Please note, we can only provide limited assistance with organizing this (mostly in terms of stock, and promotional material). It'll be up to the group wanting to run Trainz stalls to book/organize the stall. Keep in mind that most train shows will want you to pay to have your stall, so you will need to factor this in (although most groups did make enough sales to cover this, you'll still need to plan for it).

Bigger events do, of course, tend to be more expensive :)

Note, we no longer attach the 'Trainz On The Road' tickets to accounts (not Beta tester tickets, or other similar ones, that were around back in 2006ish).

Ah, TotR, that brings back some good memories. I organized several in the Montreal area over the years and attended others both here and elsewhere. While they were generally fun and interesting there were a few things to also keep in mind. Some model railroaders have a rather negative attitude to the simulation world. Only a small minority but it does tend to color the overall feeling and reception at those shows. The majority were interested in the concept and some were quite enthusiastic.

Back then, the shows were usually willing to provide a table for a minimal cost. Selling a few copies of Trainz was then usually enough to cover those costs . That was then, this is now. Haven't had any personal experience at recent shows but considering the economy, I'm not sure if that costing model is still viable.

If costs can be covered, I would encourage anyone with the opportunity to promote Trainz at a local show to do so. You get to meet many nice people, get to talk about your hobby and help others discover it too.
Hi All
Trainz On The Road is still going, but not to the degree it used to, as those who ran them have moved on or become time poor in recent years. It is also becoming increasingly more expensive to run the stalls.

There are definitely groups in the US running Trainz stalls, and there was a group in Victoria (Australia) doing them until last year.

So, if you are interested, please contact us (via the helpdesk) and we can see what can be organized. Please note, we can only provide limited assistance with organizing this (mostly in terms of stock, and promotional material). It'll be up to the group wanting to run Trainz stalls to book/organize the stall. Keep in mind that most train shows will want you to pay to have your stall, so you will need to factor this in (although most groups did make enough sales to cover this, you'll still need to plan for it).

Bigger events do, of course, tend to be more expensive :)

Note, we no longer attach the 'Trainz On The Road' tickets to accounts (not Beta tester tickets, or other similar ones, that were around back in 2006ish).

If we can organize a Group, Trainz on the Road sounds like a Great Venture. Those folks at the QR Pavilion are a great bunch to talk anything rail, i wonder how we could find out the best way to ask them if there is a possibility to join them to promote Trainz and offer to man their Stall in return?.
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There are definitely groups in the US running Trainz stalls, and there was a group in Victoria (Australia) doing them until last year.

I'm going to a model railroad convention in Norcross, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow. Along with browsing the numerous model railroads and people selling their stuff, I'll try to keep an eye out for someone demonstrating or displaying Trainz at their table. It's a belated birthday present to me (My birthday is today, January 16th).
I'm going to a model railroad convention in Norcross, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow. Along with browsing the numerous model railroads and people selling their stuff, I'll try to keep an eye out for someone demonstrating or displaying Trainz at their table. It's a belated birthday present to me (My birthday is today, January 16th).

I must check out a model Train Event here in the land Downunder, Been to many avitation shows as i Love Flying as much as i like Trainz. I think im a little late, but, Happy Birthday, A day out all about Trains sounds like a wonderful Gift.
Well, I didn't see anyone displaying Trainz, but at one of the N scale modular layouts on display, one guy said he has Trainz 12, but hasn't used it recently. I should have asked him if he had a username and is on the forum, but he was pretty busy running his N scale train. If you are part of an Athens (Georgia) N scale club, I'm the person who talked to you about driving a train on Trainz 12's Mojave Sub route.