This is pretty random but since i couldn't find any reference in the Forums i thought id put it into the forums and see what happenes.
Today at EB games a young teenager and his father saw me looking at simulator games and approached me and asked if i could sugest a good Simulator for them as they love trains. As a Loyal Trainzer i gave them details about Trainz and the "Ultrarealistic" soon to be released Trainz: A new Era Simulator and 12 years of products to Explore right now. The Duo were from Oxenford near Wet n Wild and had no idea that in the suburb next to them, Made by and supported by the economy of Greater Brisbane an Australian Train Simulator. They were hooked line and sinker and wanted to buy the game on the spot, it was quite an amazing experience to Suggest Trainz.
As i got home i thaught of how many other potential Trainzers were here in Brisbane and how could a broader message be relayed. Why not the Brisbane EKKA, Emagin it, A Trainz pavilion along side the Queensland Rail one, Talking about Trainz and the folks behind it so that we could locally in the Trainz Office back yard Promote the game at the show? Of course there are international backers of Trainz around the globe, so why not find Equivalent shows in other country's too, powered by fans?
This is pretty random but since i couldn't find any reference in the Forums i thought id put it into the forums and see what happenes.
Today at EB games a young teenager and his father saw me looking at simulator games and approached me and asked if i could sugest a good Simulator for them as they love trains. As a Loyal Trainzer i gave them details about Trainz and the "Ultrarealistic" soon to be released Trainz: A new Era Simulator and 12 years of products to Explore right now. The Duo were from Oxenford near Wet n Wild and had no idea that in the suburb next to them, Made by and supported by the economy of Greater Brisbane an Australian Train Simulator. They were hooked line and sinker and wanted to buy the game on the spot, it was quite an amazing experience to Suggest Trainz.

As i got home i thaught of how many other potential Trainzers were here in Brisbane and how could a broader message be relayed. Why not the Brisbane EKKA, Emagin it, A Trainz pavilion along side the Queensland Rail one, Talking about Trainz and the folks behind it so that we could locally in the Trainz Office back yard Promote the game at the show? Of course there are international backers of Trainz around the globe, so why not find Equivalent shows in other country's too, powered by fans?