A problem with Service Pack!


New member
Where can I download the SP2 (835-2161) and SP3 (2161-2290)?

I can't download them because the link of the Auran website is a failure.
Auran's web says: Service Pack 4 is only available for download right now. Once all patches have been completed they will be made available on CD from the online store for the cost of postage and handling.

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You should be able to go directly 835 to 2389 but as you've discovered, the file is missing on the Auran TRS2004 service packs downloads page.

Try this site, but you'll need to go in two stages 835 to 2161, then 2161 to 2389). Also, since this is a third-party source, there's no certainty that the files are 100% perfect:

As these patches will only work if you have a copy of the program, unless anyone knows different I don't see any moral or legal problem with obtaining them from a third-party source.
