A pensioner's point of view

I have used the same mid-level computer for TS12 and TANE. TANE performs better.
Hang on for SP1, it promises major improvements in both performance and usability.
My two cents'
An extreme example would be abandoning how Trainz presently functions for newer, more efficient methods. The offset being lack of any compatibility with current content. In the long term the solution may be better but it would never see light of day because everyone bar anyone who sees it as viable would complain endlessly.

The solution we do have is rigorous asset validation within T:ANE, however that doesn't stop people from uploading under a lower build number for the time being, that and there was a stream of complaints that crap content wasn't getting through. The majority of the complaints will have been regarding the fact that early on the validation didn't work correctly, but we're past that now.

It's up to the person to decide what he wants to do. If he really wants to progress, then he can do so, but at the risk he loses all of his base and there would be a maybe less knowledgeable group of supporters to come in.
I'm actually quite fascinated by you. What exactly do you expect TANE to do/simulate/be? Do you expect to be something for the god of creators? Well, then that's not a game I want, because it's a ground where apparently content creators such as yourself and brag to all the lesser folks that they can create content for TANE, therefore making them better and more knowledgeable than anybody else.
Do you want it to be Railworks? Railworks is currently on sale on steam for $13, I suggest you try it out, and see what ancient stuff can really do when somebody knows how to use it.
Do you want it to be pure-wholehearted train simulator? There are several of those out there. Railworks, OpenRails, Run8......... I personally like trainz for other reasons

Personally, I want Trainz to be Trainz. It is a unique Train simulator, because it is so open compared to the others. We can fly planes for goodness sakes! If I wanted trainz to be railworks, then I'd buy railworks (Oh wait, I did, and play it all the time, because I like wholehearted-pure train simulators where I can be engineer for a day). In trainz, I can do almost anything I can think of... Huge mega yards? Yep, can do that. Routes that seeemingly never end? Can be done in Trainz. Model railways in a simulator? Let me know what other simulator has that to brag about, can only be done in Trainz. Creating days that one never got to see with their own eyes? Trainz can do that with all the "crap" content that doesn't belong in the god of the creators simulator. Did I mention that trainz has the largest selection of free and payware "crap" content that doesn't belong into the god of the creators simulator that tons of people are using right now? I'm sure right now we should just bow down to you because your the god of all creators and all other content is pure crap. Let me know how well your simulator does, and we'll keep on using Trainz 12 even after it's date.
What do I want? Well I want Trainz simply put, I wouldn't have been here and remained here for the last 7 years if the product didn't offer what I wanted in terms of playability. Compared to anything else presently available, nothing seems to provide the simplicity and open nature that Trainz provides. What I want Trainz to move onto is improved visuals and performance, and these will come from a better foundation (T:ANE in this case) and better content.

What do I define as better content? Content that is cleverly made to be visually stunning whilst making use of techniques that provide performance benefits, the fact is there is a lot of content available or perhaps still being made that doesn't really fit this criteria for whatever reason. Using Sketchup as your program of choice is a good one, countless materials and polygons and a lack of LOD to make something that appears flat and dull. Not quite what we need really since having these assets present in a route are a hindrance to performance, especially now that will be rendered at significantly greater draw distances, perhaps this will be one of the reasons T:ANE can potentially run poorly.

Have I at any point claimed to be the best content creator going? Of course not, far from it when you have the likes of Zec, Rumour3, amongst many, many others also producing high quality content that takes into consideration the performance impact of said content. I'll even admit most of my earlier stuff is crap, because quite frankly it was, the Thompson L1 for example, flat, unweathered and doesn't make any real considerations for performance. You want to encourage content creators who make this effort, without them Trainz would be running worse for everyone and not look particularly attractive for it.

I still don't quite understand why you're making personal remarks just because I think Trainz could be better with a focus on T:ANE and better content. Why are you even bringing up TS12 at this point? It's a stable program that works, so why be offended that N3V are looking at their next product that came several years later?!? What do you want from me? At no point have I resorted to retaliation, I have made no personal attacks towards you either. This is just a forum for people to express their opinions on the internet, if you don't like it, perhaps you need to leave it be...
I still don't quite understand why you're making personal remarks just because I think Trainz could be better with a focus on T:ANE and better content.

Enzo1 playing up? Well fancy that.

Your content is pretty good Jack, but I believe you have more important RL passtimes at the moment :D
Enzo1 playing up? Well fancy that.

Your content is pretty good Jack, but I believe you have more important RL passtimes at the moment :D
He probably does. I always play up and always will. People like Jack, are not thinking deep enough to see the roots of the issues, and therefore will not see the TANE that him, me, and everybody else wants to see.
I really don't understand people and how they believe they cannot change anything. You can change just about anything you want if you actually think about and then do it.
Well being a senior myself have just upgraded from ts2009 that worked great for me but with ts12 have had nothing but problems when it came to downloading locos have not been able to download any thing all I get is missing dependicies or layouts missing all kinds of stuff yet all worked great on ts2009 can get no help from any in here and like you can't afford a new computer cheers Paul
I too am a retired 2.4 relic who still enjoys it. Am I missing something in newer versions? Yes. Do I care? Not really. If I could afford a better PC, perhaps I would.

3D simulators are intended to create a virtual reality, but at the end of the day it's just pixels. Any sim requires a level of immersion to gather the experience. To me, many features in new versions are not necessary for my purposes, but I understand some believe them to be critical and prefer to roll with technology as it becomes available. Any developer ought to consider all users, but must be progressive as a priority.

My neighbor owns a model railroad. He spent thousands of dollars and hours creating an oval track that bores me to tears after five minutes of viewing. The cost of a software bundle and a PC is infinitely cheaper. I can fire up Trainz and go anywhere or build what I want, with far greater attention to detail than plastic cars with horrible sounds. I'm a former railroader and recreate much of my work experience in reskins, layouts, assets, attachments, scripts and products. I have hundreds of 95125 KUID's and manage them with TrainzObjectz, PEV Tools and CONText and it all works very well for me. I even extracted the entire list of assets from the .ja cabinets with JAX. (Which incidentally, I translated into an English version too) And no, I don't redist anything that cannot be uploaded to the DLS.

I enjoy following the works of many of the talented content creators and have been successful downgrading higher assets to work on 2.4. If they don't work, oh well. It was fun trying. In fact, I undoubtedly spend more time in PaintShop tweaking skins, dabbling in scripts or building in Surveyor than I do actually running trains itself.

Trainz is what you make it. For me, that would be nostalgia and content creation.

Nobody beats up on content creators for creating only higher versions, so it's not fair to expect a developer to accommodate every need, but my only issue (albeit minor) is deprecating older versions that still run. It's fine to no longer support older versions, but to cast aside or make unavailable the work of creators who've given their time and content freely is somewhat disrespectful of otherwise faithful followers. Most old content is still available, so as far as Trainz goes, it's a non-issue.

I still run MS Flight Simulator 2004. Though no longer supported, it's a mainstay to many flight sim enthusiasts for it's reliability, plugin abilities and downloadable content.