It's not their [N3V's] priority to care.
Oh, it's not a company's priority to care about how many people still use which version of the game? Seems pretty important to me from a financial standpoint, Jack.
People buying the latest versions to allow for revenue flow that pays the bills is what matters from their perspective...
Yet people are buying the latest game not knowing it isn't complete. A game should NOT take a full Service Pack to be a
complete game. A game should be released when it is complete, but these companies still insist on psuhing out these unfinished games just to make a profit or to meet a strict deadline. If i could use a video game analogy, look at the game Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, a buggy, unpolished mess with no value to the customers whatsoever, all because it was rushed to meet a deadline. If T:ANE was worked on for a few months longer, maybe the customers would have gotten a complete and, more importantly, a
better game.
...however I recall Tony suggesting it's the mobile versions of Trainz that actually bring in that revenue.
That's sad how Tony is relying on these mobile games that look like TS04 for financial backup. Trainz has always been a computer game, and making it mobile at the cost of better graphics seems like a shameless cash grab to me.
...T:ANE is just better than anything before it
That's a good joke you got there.
But seriously now, do you really think that it's better than TS12? I can barely run T:ANE at all just because of the horrid 5-7 FPS i get on a higher end machine, whereas i get upwards of 40 FPS in TS12, or maybe around 20-25 FPS in a condensed area. A game like T:ANE that requires a supercomputer to operate with acceptable frame rates greatly decreases the number of people who will enjoy the game. Yes, i use a lower-end GFX card, but if i can run TS12 as well as i can, but can't run T:ANE, then something's wrong here.
Meanwhile I recall you [cascaderailroad] suggesting 16FPS is fine from 2006, which is pathetic performance wise.
I agree with you here. Today, that would be considered horrid, but back in the day, computers were not nearly as powerful as they are today. You need to look at this from the perspective of a person who ran TS06 for 5-6 years with a lower-end computer in general (old CPU, old GFX, low RAM, etc.) and got framerates half that in some areas. Yes, that's unacceptable nowadays, but it's also unacceptable that T:ANE runs like crap when TS12 runs fine for most of us.
TRS2006 isn't very good compared to what we have now
Though it's higher on my list than T:ANE ever will be, that's for sure.