A Happy Mother's Day to all Trainz related Mothers!


No Friend requests please
I realize that Mother's Day in the US is not until tomorrow, that is...Sunday. I'm posting this now to honor my own mother who passed on last year.
My mother was born on May 12, in 1922 so today would be her birthday. It goes without saying that I miss her very much, and posting a "Happy Birthday" and a "Happy Mother's Day" today is a bit therapeutic for me, so I hope you'll all indulge me as you have so many other times.

She was a good person who stepped up to the job of raising her children and re-entering the work force after my father's death. She was never extravagant, never wealthy, and always led a simple life guided by her own no nonsense upbringing as the daughter of a farmer. She did what had to be done, and didn't complain about it nearly as much as I would have. She was not without fault, but had no fault great enough to define her. She was greatly loved.

My Mother died last year, three days after her birthday on May 15th. She died in the company of my sister, and I had the chance to visit with her for a week only two weeks before her death. Six months before she joined me, my children, and my sister for a week of vacation at the Jersey Shore, where we had vacationed many times before. I was honored to eulogize her at her memorial, and have thought about her daily since.

Please take a little time to post your appreciation of the Mothers in your lives. Maybe you have a Mother now that constantly tells you to "get off the computer", or maybe you have a wife now, Mother or not, that puts up with your endless hours at the keyboard. Maybe you're a Mother who dabbles in Trainz herself! Maybe you just want to remember your own Mother for a few minutes, and thank her.

As for me, I just want to say "Happy Birthday Mom, happy Mother's Day! I miss you so."

I hope some of you will join me in wishing all the Mothers that you love a "Happy Mother's Day".
My condolences about your mother Ed, but at least she lived a full and happy (and funny considering you were in it) life

Still, what is a "woman" ?? :hehe:

I wish My mother a happy mother's day, She got me most of my JR payware lol... Thanks Mom! Happy Mother's day to all Mothers in the world!
My mother died of cancer on June 19, 2008 on a Wednesday at 1:O7PM in one of those hospital that they send people that have just a few months left, etc ... i wasn't there because I had to return to Florida; But she was surround by my sister, her husband, her little ones, and countless of friends since my mother very very popular in our neighborhood in the Bronx! I returned to NYC the next day and we buried her on my birthday! For me, it's like yesterday, and I am not a shame to say that I still cried. When we are children our parents is our God, and these special holidays like mother's day, and father's day is one of the hardest for me!

Happy mother day's Mom, in heaven! Love you dearly!!!!


(Sorry to hear that, Ed -- I certainly know how hard it could be!!!)

Ning says thank you she is mother of 2 14 year old daughter and 11 year old daughter thai from former marriage.
Yes we all have to face things in live and learn to live with it in good memory.
My mom is so bossy and busy she still very active and 93 and go for 100 she said. She lives in Maastricht and lots of family around her. Now she spends 2 month winter recovery in Spain at my brothers place near Malaga.
Anyway nice post from you most appreciated.

Roy n Ning:wave:
That would explain the odd email I just got from N3V, mothers day was back in early March, but you guys obviously have a different date to us. I never knew that, just assumed that we all used the same date for the same day.
It's quite sad and pathetic that there are so few posts on this thread, yet, 85 people have view this thread, and there should be 85 posts, etc ... and even more then that .... we all have mothers, and they will not live forever, and those now with us I am sure is paying many of your expensive Internet prices, and those husbands out there who have children, your wifes' are mothers too! With all this said, yet, only a few posts!

It'quite sad and pathetic, but when you are face with the notion that your mother is no longer on this Earth, it's gonna hit you! Don't take mothers for granted, they are your world when you are first born!
