3rd Rail


New member
guys, im looking for a spline for a 3rd rail,

im using the bullhead track by rumour3 as it looks very good, i would like a 3rd rail to run alongside it, the only one i can find is the MB one which has sideboards, is there a standard 3rd rail i can DL?
Hi there cheekout Bloodnook on the dls he has some 3rd and 4th rail on the dls.

He also has owns a web site with some uk content :)
Im looking for just the 3rd rail, ive got he VSR tracks with 3rd and 4th rails but i really like the look of the bullhead tracks, i have some class 377's and i prefer the 3rd rail as apposed to the overhead

i want just a 3rd rail and not track

its kinda a local style region (Brighton to Portsmouth/southampton) mainly ficticious but styling on that kina area
Try these usernames.
(Or type in 'ugleis' in the title box)
They have some awesome 3rd rain that you should try. Scroll down if you don't see it.
Try these usernames.
(Or type in 'ugleis' in the title box)
They have some awesome 3rd rain that you should try. Scroll down if you don't see it.

Err, the third rail he is after, is the top contact type (As the following image demostrates at my local station:

I think the types you are referring to, are top/side/underside contact, none which are entirely appropiate for British Rail Southern Region modelling.

Edit: This is a good advert for Mike10s 3rd rail stuff:

Funny enough, the station I modelled is Fishbourne! :)

Another advert is this junction, although, I have another complicated junction that shows more gaps in the rails than this shot, it was at the other end of the station (which I remodelled).

The control of the rails, is soo great, they look good with any track type, well almost!

I however, do agree that they are difficult to control. For authenicity and matching, its best to lower the con rail by 8cm or raise the trackbed by 8cm.

EDIT: Yes, I know, I broke the CoC on this one, I CBB to resize them to 640x480.
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WEN thats the kind of 3rd rail i want, i want it alone and not connected to the track, i want to use the bullhead track or the MP tracks with a third rail, and the only one i have (spline) is the one with side boards.

ive looked throught Mike10's and theres only the end bits and side boarded,
Edit: This is a good advert for Mike10s 3rd rail stuff:

Funny enough, the station I modelled is Fishbourne! :)

Where did you find those platforms !!! There exactly what i need:udrool: ...

Thanks Anthony