adding rail cars in surveyor dont know how to word it

hello to all. so as im installing rail cars in surveyor when i add 1 its ok but if i add another one the second one becomes the first one and if i click again on th ifts one the first one becomse the 2nd one. let me see if i can cldear this upo m ake it easire to understand so i have grain car bnsf and i add another one csx grain car some how the csx becomes bnsf and then i can not get back the csx grain unless going to the list and put it on again and then the other 2 grain cars become the csx . so instead of having 3 grain cars bnsf csx and union pacific it gives me 1 name ike bnsf but the other 2 becomes bnsf also with out me doing anything im just adding cars and looking at the detil section of the car when i close i have 2 others of the same rail car .

i hope that u can understand this because i try to simplify it but came out all gobbly goop . if u need me to explain this better let me know
but if i add another one the second one becomes the first one

A few questions that might (no guarantees) help to clear up the confusion.
  • Which version of TRS22 are you using - TRS22 (standard) or TRS22PE?
  • If you are using TRS22PE are you using Surveyor Classic (with the yellow/white spline end point circles) or the newer Surveyor 2.0?
  • How are you selecting the rail cars to be added? For example In Surveyor 2.0 are you selecting them from the Assets Palette or the Filter Palette (the one with the ticks next to the asset names)?
A few questions that might (no guarantees) help to clear up the confusion.
  • Which version of TRS22 are you using - TRS22 (standard) or TRS22PE?
  • If you are using TRS22PE are you using Surveyor Classic (with the yellow/white spline end point circles) or the newer Surveyor 2.0?
  • How are you selecting the rail cars to be added? For example In Surveyor 2.0 are you selecting them from the Assets Palette or the Filter Palette (the one with the ticks next to the asset names)?
hello pware thanks for giving me some ideas, im using trs22pe surveyor 2.0 so in surveyor i select the trainz icon in the pick list it bring up my rail cars i then click on the grain cars that i want individually click not all at once, i put on the track in surveyor and then thats when it starts the first car bnsf is ok next one is suppose to be a csx grain as i put that on o the track it becomes bnsf thinking no is suppose to be cxs so i click on the suppose to be csx but not bnsf and now i have 2 bnsf grain lost the csx 3rd one supose to be union pacific when i click on that it became csx the bnsf became csx and the other became csx so i click on all of them again did the same thing but with different road names. none of these went back to their original car names keeps changing from bnsf to csx to up. hope this clears it up some. no not picking assest palette or filter palette unless i clicked on it by mistake and did not know i did it maybe.. the first 3 i put layed down on the track is agp cn, and canada wheat did not change stayed the same no changeing road names nothing these are good. acually i can put more than 1 on the rack with no problem ; the next 3 bnsf, csx ,up thats the ones having trouble with. so on the top right the box with the 2 arrows clicked on that to see my car details to see what ones have the products; while still in the box with the 2 arrows i relayed my grain cars bnsf,csx, up they all did ok , but when i want to get rid of the last highlighted grain car i put the mouse pointer to the ground and l click it to get rid of the green and yellow outlkine of the car and thats when my cars changed road names on me
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Here is a simple procedure to try.
  1. Start a new route with a blank baseboard (or two)
  2. Lay a long section of straight track across the board
  3. Pick the first car from the Asset Palette and place it on the track near one end
  4. Pick the next car from the Asset Palette and place it on the track but not coupled to the first car - leave a clear gap
  5. Repeat the above step for each new car to produce a lineup of separated cars
Do the cars appear as expected with their correct liveries and names?
Here is a simple procedure to try.
  1. Start a new route with a blank baseboard (or two)
  2. Lay a long section of straight track across the board
  3. Pick the first car from the Asset Palette and place it on the track near one end
  4. Pick the next car from the Asset Palette and place it on the track but not coupled to the first car - leave a clear gap
  5. Repeat the above step for each new car to produce a lineup of separated cars
Do the cars appear as expected with their correct liveries and names?
hello pware again so took your suggesting a new base board actually 2 layed out my yard and main track i took all my grain cars layed them on the sideing all took ok execpt for 3 csxt, kyle, erie Lackawanna, and bnsf ar the ones acting up all other grain cars are fine, so on a hunch i took all boxcars ok all tankers ok all gondolas ok, for some reason those 3; kyle, el, bnsf and csxt the ones messing up, all products are showing up on the cars manifest so thats good. just an update funny thing though the cars show up in my cars list but when i looked for them in installed, modified they are not listed but again its shows up. so what i did was to delete the 3 cars went to dl station and redownload them and take it from the let u know late afternoon
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