hello to all. so as im installing rail cars in surveyor when i add 1 its ok but if i add another one the second one becomes the first one and if i click again on th ifts one the first one becomse the 2nd one. let me see if i can cldear this upo m ake it easire to understand so i have grain car bnsf and i add another one csx grain car some how the csx becomes bnsf and then i can not get back the csx grain unless going to the list and put it on again and then the other 2 grain cars become the csx . so instead of having 3 grain cars bnsf csx and union pacific it gives me 1 name ike bnsf but the other 2 becomes bnsf also with out me doing anything im just adding cars and looking at the detil section of the car when i close i have 2 others of the same rail car .
i hope that u can understand this because i try to simplify it but came out all gobbly goop . if u need me to explain this better let me know
i hope that u can understand this because i try to simplify it but came out all gobbly goop . if u need me to explain this better let me know