Deneban I take your point, but it was getting so that if I downloaded anything into TS2019 I would spend the rest of the day fixing assets and dependencies. TANE is fine; - I can load a route in TANE and it finds all the dependencies and it's all good with nothing broken or faulty (and I am very aware that things weren't always like that with TANE). I load the same route into TS2019 and it's a horror show.
I am reasonably computer savvy and I know how to fix things when they don't work in Trainz, but I'm just completely tired of having to do it. So tired of it in fact that I've been running TS2012 all week. TS2012 has its faults, but at least they are the same unchanging constant faults and will be forevermore without being updated with a new set.
TS2019 with everything disabled and everything faulty and/or with missing dependencies deleted is quite good actually. Back in the day when TS2019 was first announced some of us forum members asked if a cut to the bone, no built in routes version was a possibility. A true route builders version with all the surveyor tools and nothing else. Our suggestion wasn't taken up of course, but at least now I have something close to it. All my old favourite legacy routes and rolling stock assets look very nice indeed in TS2019.
Hello and sorry, if I am plowing into a discussion!
I rather recently came back to Train simulation, after a long absence. I still have an EEP disc with box on a sideboard, which does not run on today´s systems anymore without massive bugs. Old times!

Compared to the other simulations out there, I can assure you Trainz has the nicest build mode and the routes are nothing to sneeze at either!
TS and TSW are an annoyance, exorbitant and expensive payware needs (the EA of Train simulation), laughable number of stock assets included (Trainz and EEP have several times as much even in their cheapest versions) and esp. TS is buggy as hell, even premier routes like Mannheim-Karlsruhe! TSW does not even have a build mode and TS build mode is less than optimal, far below Trainz and EEP in ease to use and stock assets.
I really like EEP. Powerful builder, few bugs, nice and numerous stock assets, a nice chunk of downloadable freeware, delivers gorgeous routes on limited systems too and even HD payware is normally only a few Euros. Drawbacks are: Some build modes more complicated and fiddly than on Trainz, if you want the full experience you need the more expensive expert version (esp. the ease of life functions), while most payware is not expensive, it can add up pretty fast and it is mainly focused on the trains of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with few from other countries (while as a German this is not a problem per se for me, esp. since even very rare and obscure Trains are available, I still like some foreign trains too which can be hard to get on EEP). A further drawback for assets makers is the fact that some assets are very easy to make, others are so complicated you need special programs for it. But generally EEP is a great program for route builders (and has some very nice routes in-build in all versions).
I really like Trainz too and use it the most of the Train sims, because it too has a powerful builder, nice and numerous stock assets, lots of freeware, depending on your preferences normally few must-have payware, since TANE and Esp TRS19 very gorgeous routes and the widest range of trains covered. In addition it is the most easy to use builder. While EEP expert has some modes easier to use than in Trainz, some other modes are way more fiddly, the EEP dev team can be too focused on detail sometimes.