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Does anybody make two or three aspect signals for the US that can be positioned on the left hand side of the track for bidirectional or left handed operation on a double track route?
I believe GrahamSea's scripted signals have left-side versions, at least some of them. Are you looking for Position-Light, Color-Light, etc.?
JointedRail's entire suit of US signals is made with both RH and LH versions. They also include scripting which finally makes prototypical signal placement practical in Trainz, at least in the later versions of the sim. IMHO the finest signals available to date...

Re LH Signal


You can convert a signal to LH by cloning it and then edit the config file in the clone. Open up the config file and look for the trackside tag. This will have an entry of something like 2.25. Change it to -2.25 and finally edit the username tag and add LH to it, or if it already shows as RH, edit it to LH so that you can find it later in surveyor. It will now appear on the left hand side of the track when you add it in surveyor.


I'll try editing in cmp, and see how that works. There is always something new to learn... Thanks for the input!
The reverse can be done to position UK signals on the RH side of the track.


I never thought of that! I love the old semaphore signals and there's not a whole lot of them for the US.

I agree with Andy on the JR signals. I use his Searchlight-type signals all over, and the latest version is even more awesome because they allow trains to follow each other closely (great for trams and other transit routes), and single track operations.

John - I have done this to more than one signal, for my own use of course, when I needed a semaphore at the end of a platform on the RH side of the train - eg. at a multi-platform station. I believe the distance of the signal (and other trackside objects) from the track can also be edited which might be useful in some circumstances eg. siting a signal at the end of a platform on a narrow gauge system - I seem to remember doing this in TRS2004.


You can convert a signal to LH by cloning it and then edit the config file in the clone. Open up the config file and look for the trackside tag. This will have an entry of something like 2.25. Change it to -2.25 and finally edit the username tag and add LH to it, or if it already shows as RH, edit it to LH so that you can find it later in surveyor. It will now appear on the left hand side of the track when you add it in surveyor.



So, anyways...... I have tried this approach, and haven't had any kind of luck. Seems that most of the signals that interest me were created for an earlier version of trainz. As I go through the process, I get a pop-up stating this, and that trainz will convert it. However in doing so, it loses a bunch of texture files, resulting in a faulty warning, and won't work.

The only ones I experimented with with any kind of success are the two and three aspect B&M signals available on the DLS, which are the ones I am primarily interested in. The thing is with these is that I went through the process and everything went well enough modifying it, and getting no error or fault warnings..... until I went to use them in surveyor, and they didn't appear when I went to place them (they were listed as they were supposed to be in the trackside object list, not in red).

The thing about the ones I downloaded that were left handed sit on a shorter cement pedestal, so they're not the same height as the corresponding right handed signals. It's just noticeable enough to drive you nuts when you look at it.

I looked on Jointed Rails website and couldn't find any signals that were what I was looking for (two and three aspect searchlight type), and also looked around on the DLS with similar results. I'm thinking that I'll have to settle for the shorter lefthanded ones, but would really like to find a way to make the B&M ones work. any suggestions?