Screenshots of European Trains






And yes, it probably needs a better name. Suggestions please? Must be "german", and funny.
Wait a sec. "German" and "funny" doesn't go together?!?

But if you got funny name suggestions for "German" cities, please tell. Here's a few that diden't make it "Von Lederhosen, KnockwurstStadt", Jodelen Am Jammer...

Your shots are unbelivable good Erik. Just amazing! Keep 'em coming. Same goes for all recent posters.
"Heiligebahnsheim" ? :hehe:

Friendly yours, Marc

Schnurrbartstadt.And yes, it probably needs a better name. Suggestions please? Must be "german", and funny.
Wait a sec. "German" and "funny" doesn't go together?!?

But if you got funny name suggestions for "German" cities, please tell. Here's a few that diden't make it "Von Lederhosen, KnockwurstStadt", Jodelen Am Jammer...

Your shots are unbelivable good Erik. Just amazing! Keep 'em coming. Same goes for all recent posters.
Das Bild wird bei mir nicht angezeigt. :eek:
bei mir schon, auch jetzt gerade, bitte ein bißchen warten...

very nice pictures @ekankal @daniel53e @pm372

City-name: Dreibrücken (statt Zweibrücken...), Bauernsprung (statt Mägdesprung...) und so weiter !!
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The well known city of Oberöde (translates to really boring). Who doesn't know the beer label "Oberöder"?

… or was it Hasseröder? :p

City-name: Dreibrücken (statt Zweibrücken...)

Haha. Good one. Dreibrücken it is. Actually there were many good ones and I'm sure I got stations for all of you. Expect updates...


Exit West has at least drei brücken (I believe that means 3 bridges?)

Exit East ...or was it the other way around
Haha. Good one. Dreibrücken it is. Actually there were many good ones and I'm sure I got stations for all of you. Expect updates...
Exit West has at least drei brücken (I believe that means 3 bridges?)

Yes = Dreibrücken / three bridges

Pt 47 in the morning sun at Station Zworsch...
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