Enhanced Interlocking Tower layer


Active member
I worked for a long time making paths with EIT, moved them to the session layer and they disappeared...completely. I lost a lot of info. Where should the EIT asset be placed? session or route layer?

According to Pierre the EITs should be placed on the session layer as placing them on the route layer can cause issues. I add another layer to the session layer just for EITs and TCB equipment.


I have been doing this, it seems to have worked without issues - so far.
1 Place, name and set up paths in the the EIT in the session layer.
2. Save route and session.
3. Change the EIT so it resides in the route layer.
4. Save the route and session.

Now all the paths are saved with the EIT in the route - and are available in a new session based on the route. There is no need for a "base session" to contain the path data.