Strange TANE taking up C drive space


Hey all; I was cleaning up my computer, especially the C drive as it is running out of space. Using Win10 services/storage C drive it showed a 15.5GB TANE folder on C, but I do not have TANE installed, just 19. I went to the folder in question and it only shows as 800mb, anyone have any idea what is going on? My 19 is installed on my D drive (15.5GB ???) and my build folder is on my E drive (156GB). I find it strange that win10 is saying TANE is in my appdata folder at 15.5GB, yet it only shows at 800mb, and the 19 install on my D drive is the size in question.


You can safely zap it.

When you install TANE or TS19 the default is to use the appdata folder. Normally I use a folder labelled N3V. Anyway it stores things like your downloaded stuff there and I think it also stores backups and those can get quite large.

Cheerio John
You can safely zap it.

When you install TANE or TS19 the default is to use the appdata folder. Normally I use a folder labelled N3V. Anyway it stores things like your downloaded stuff there and I think it also stores backups and those can get quite large.

Cheerio John

Thanks for the reply, but don't you think that it is shown as 15.5GB on windows/system/storage but in explorer it is only 800mb, and then the actual install of TRS19 on the D drive is 15.5gb? Do you think it is linking the appdata folder route to the install on D? My concern is that the sizes don't match.

***Just thought of this: what if I copy the TRS19 15.5gb folder to my E, then uninstall via the system/storage, IF it does nuke my D drive 19 install can I just copy the folder back into the D drive or will it corrupt everything?***
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