question on envrinmential setting in trainz19


Well-known member
my screen shots look to bright, tryed changing the envrinmential setting. they are ether to bright or to dark. any good setting etc would be helpfull. Thanks.

some recent screen shots for exmaple.




I use a simple solution.

I go into the environmental settings, click on one of the green dots and reset the environmental settings. This will bring them back to something that's similar to TANE and I then use that as a base to build up to something else that I like. It'll take a bit of experimenting, but you'll find something like.
I find that the ambient light is set too high for my taste. I lower it by about 25% and raise the color of the sun up to about the same amount of 25% but it can vary depending on the scene. Remember you can hold the shift key down and adjust all three dials at the same time. I like to set the time to either green dot on either side of noon as the noon day sun is just too harsh. This gives a pretty lighting setup I think.