AI needs tweaking


AI is still a source of head scratching for me. Needs fine tuning,
1 Get rid of the shortest distance between 2 points command. So it will stop wanting to change tracks when it goes round a bend if there is a crossover before the bend for instance.
2 Have the option to command Left Hand Running or Right Hand running. So it will follow a set path. No random track switching. Plays hell with signals and speed limits.
I quite like AI in some respects as you can let things get on with it, until you get a conflict with another consist you may be operating.
Above seem to be the main issues that are on going.

Use Enhanced Interlocking Towers (EIT) and Mission Codes by author "pguy" plus his associated rules and driver commands. These take all the decision making out of the AIs hands so you can get the trains to go exactly where you want. On the ECML route for example you can get a non stop train to run the whole 400 miles with just one driver command and it will follow the route that it should.

The downside is that you have to set up EITs at all the junctions where you have problems but once this is done you can save the session as a base session that can be used as the basis for other sessions.


Is there a Link for that somewhere. Thanks that looks like something I could use. Alot of work to implement though, my route is quite large.