Steam issue


New member
So i bought the game on the auran website but I'm trying to buy dlc from steam but since I didn't buy it on there, steam says i can't buy it. Is there any way around it?
No, DLC's on Steam can only be used for the Steam version of Trainz and if you don't own the Steam version, you can't buy the Steam DLC's.

You have two choices:
- rebuy Trainz for Steam so you can buy the DLC's there;
- buy the DLC's at the Trainz Store.

More info:
You can however use N3V DLC's in the Steam version, but not vice versa.
If you already bought a DLC there, then you'll want to contact the helpdesk so they can add the DLC to your Trainz account so you don't have to rebuy it.

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