Sp3 has caused problems in my custom routes.


After installing sp3 I'm having to repair broken sections of track that were not broken before. Many of the breaks are hidden, so I end up finding them by mistake when an AI train tells me "there is no path to selected destination".

Anyone having similar problems?
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Od19 - The Devs made changes to the track and other splines several builds ago (in Service Pack 2) and created a few issues that weren't anticipated - so, late in the SP3 beta builds, the changes were reverted to the earlier configuration.
End result was that any track, road, line, or fence building conducted on routes during that period may (or may not) see problems with curve alignment and occasional unwanted splits at spline joints. Trackside objects were sometimes displaced or even disconnected due to these changes to the curve alignment.
Accordingly, it pays to inspect your routes edited during that period before running sessions so that you find these errors before your AI drivers do. These are simple and easy faults to rectify in most cases, but require close observation skills to detect the faulty spline joins.
Bottom line is that splines now behave as they did of old, since they have been reverted to the previous spline creation process/ system.
(Relevant excerpt from Tony_Hilliam's SP3 change-list)

  • Inserting spline points unexpectedly re-positions trains\trackside objects