Bug with ARN


Well-known member
Never seen that in any version of Trainz: all wagons having the same running number (123456). Consist was: 1x<kuid2:532427:100027:2> + 3x<kuid2:661281:35120:2> + 2x<kuid2:661281:35119:2> + 1x<kuid2:661281:35120:2>.
Is that with Compatibility Mode in Trainz settings set to "Maximize Compatibility"?
If not, reset to that and check the ARN script behaviour after making the change.
The train I used consists in built-in stock, all version 4.6, and ARN containers are already set in the config files.
Today, same problem, still with built-in version 4.6 rolling stock: ARN only works for the loco, wagons show either 3456 or 123456.