Renaming a driver within a driver session


New member
Hi there,

Does anyone know of any assets that make it possible to rename the driver of a train when in driver mode within a session (for example, renaming a driver when a train reaches a terminal then turns to head back as another train number)? If not then does anyone know if the driver name is a paramerter that can be changed with the driver object within the session? (not talking about from within the Driver Setup Rule in Surveyor). Getting back into this game after being away for years here.

I don't think you can edit the drivers once they are configured, or at least I've never found out a way to do that.
What you could do is use a couple of dummy consists somewhere on the route. Put your standby driver in one of those. Then, when your main driver arrives at it's destination, use the 'move to train..' command to send the driver to the driverless consist; use another 'move to train..' command (triggered by the arrival of the main driver, with a suitable time delay) to move the standby driver to the main consist.

It sound more complicated than it is. The Paddington - Westbury session, by nawlins, uses the technique to good effect if you want to see an example.

Hi there,

Does anyone know of any assets that make it possible to rename the driver of a train when in driver mode within a session (for example, renaming a driver when a train reaches a terminal then turns to head back as another train number)? If not then does anyone know if the driver name is a paramerter that can be changed with the driver object within the session? (not talking about from within the Driver Setup Rule in Surveyor). Getting back into this game after being away for years here.


DriverCharacter objects supports GetLocalisedName() and SetLocalisedName(...) script primitive, so changing a driver name by script at run time should be possible, but I don't know any existing rule or script already doing this ... you will need either to write your own code or find a scripted having some available time to implement it for you.
