Trainz 12 Error


New member
I have a very large Trainz 12 layout and I have added quite a few new items in the last few weeks - now when I start in Driver mode a octangular shaped red icon appears at the bottom right of the Driver screen - when I click on the icon it pops up this error message on the screen -
Brush4:Thread Exception:ER_ThreadError, Line 318, (2)

Stack Dump:
Function $void@Brush4::VehicleMonitor(), Liine-1

I was thinking that I must have a faulty asset, but can anyone explain in more detail
The red-thing is actually a bug, literally a cockroach if you look carefully you'll see the legs too. :)

It looks like there's something wrong with part of your Trainz install. You can try and clear the contents of the following place:

User Data\cache\library

Note: the bolded location... it's important otherwise you'll hose the install.

This will force Trainz TS12 to recopy the scripts to the cache where it can load them faster.

If this doesn't work, then try a Quick Database repair, which can take a long time because it's quickly checking your Trainz files, and doesn't actually run quickly. :)

If this doesn't work, then it's an EDR, which is more intensive, but that can cause other issues so we'll go here only in the last resort outside of reinstalling.

Another trick I use, (I see the roach frequently due to older assets I believe.), is to pause the game as soon as the bug appears and check which train(s) has issues. Scroll through your drivers looking for the (!) on the drivers icon.

A possible match for the above KUID you noted could be Advenza Freight 57005.