Port Ogden MP up and Running June 1


Trainz Veteran
Hi everyone,

I managed to get a MP Port Ogden up and running this morning. I will leave it running today but will be off most of the day. Please join if you like to see if it's working for you. Running in TS12 SP1 Hotfix 2.

It worked really well but I shut it down - only 2 peeps were on all day.


I been getting like between 1 other person and 3 Its kinda sad. I love that route but it is geared twards max amount of players because of its size. If only there were a way to save multiplayer sessions so you didnt loose progress every single time.
to all that whom are attempting to get this route don't get the (colour) type version, get the Download Station version it works no prob... ive a dongle type internet connection and I live on a borader line (blackspot) of a ****house type service, so I will be switching Telco's soon, but for now if you are having troubles getting into the server it maybe cause of the version route you have.. now a lot of people have told me my connection is **** and I know, but im going to fix it so what al I goin to do bout your prob, well uninstall that last version of the route you have placeds in, now try and find all the files in that sting and delete them all even out of the directory in the computer, re-install new version, run then reboot . if this doesn't do it uninstall the whole lot and start from scratch !!! yes all over again, they say practice makes perfect, this is my way of demolishing and re-construction from old to new !!! this should work as ive done this will all games installed and reinstalled ... please take your time and don't rush it as you mite just miss something you mite want to write it down ... !!!!! this is a impotant tool
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