HELP! - Assistance needed with troubleshooting large route

Hi Gary,

Thanks for looking at this. I'll have to look at those missing assets in more detail, but the only ones that I'm getting as neither DLS nor built in are Boat's ASB DTT, a few Domsarto assets that he must have never uploaded, and those of mine (that aren't important). Hopefully it will still have everything required for the route to run. I'll have to look into where the other assets came from. I suspect that you are right that they are from a previous Trainz version.

Thanks again,

So I've had a quick sample of that list of missing assets. So far, everything except the assets by Domsarto and myself come up as packaged. Most of these come up as dependencies of routes such as Season Town, Healesville & ECML. Some items seem to be updates of items that have been on the DLS for years. I'm wondering how easy it is to find out which of these are available to Trainz Plus members with no other payware purchases? I seem to remember that there is a way to install the same version of Trainz twice on the same machine, but I don't want to risk messing everything up.

I'll remove the Domsarto assets, as they may not be legitimately available anywhere, and my own will be uploaded before the route is properly released.
I seem to remember that there is a way to install the same version of Trainz twice on the same machine, but I don't want to risk messing everything up.
Definitely. There are basically two ways to do it. One is to move your existing installation, then install as normal. The other is to install to a different location. I believe that moving the existing install has been recommended by people who are supposed to know what they`re talking about, but I think that installing to a different location has fewer chances to screw up.

I don`t know which Trainz you have installed, but I have Trainz22 and Trainz22PE, and they automatically created separate trainzbases. I find it difficult to believe that whatever version you have doesn`t do likewise. Of course it never hurts to have a back-up copy in case things do go sideways.
I have Trainz Plus Standard and Season Town is Payware. I have installed Healesville and ECML - both Kings Cross to Edinburgh and the seperate extension to Dundee. I have been looking for a list of which DLC routes are free for Trainz Plus Standard ,members but not found anything as of yet.

Kind regards,

I'll give your route a try, Paul. I'm only missing Dom's and your assets. Boat's tram signals are missing dependencies, but I deleted the updates and went back to the previous version for those until he rectifies that situation.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.

Your route CTD on me as well. It just quit and disappeared without warning. I'll keep checking around. I have a feeling it's related to a script or driver command that's not compatible.
Hi Paul,

I ran the original <kuid2:134105:100731:1> Bridgehampton Metro NW Branch 0.2 yesterday and that ran for at least 45 mins without crashing..

Kind regards,

Hi Paul,

I ran the original <kuid2:134105:100731:1> Bridgehampton Metro NW Branch 0.2 yesterday and that ran for at least 45 mins without crashing..

Kind regards,

Are you running in the cab or watching from one of the other camera views?

If it's from the cab, the issue in the new version could be a corrupted asset. An asset that passed validation and made it on to the DLS and down, but has something terribly wrong with it internally. This has happened before and finding the culprit is a bear to put it mildly.
Update on the testing.

Yesterday, I made a copy of the route and session by doing a Save-As of the session and choosing to save both the route and the session. This gave me a copy of everything.

I then went into the route and ran Delete Missing Assets. A few errors appeared regarding invalid stretch IDs for tracks or some kind of splines.

After the process, I saved the route and tried the session and it did not fail.

Today, I opened the original session and it crashed after about 10 minutes.

I ran a DBR, and ran my copy of the session and there are no failures. I have run the session for more than 30 minutes without issue.


Run a Delete Missing Assets on the route and see if that works. Remember this is Trainz and what may work for one doesn't always work for others but it's worth a try.
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I'm going to try that in the crashing version and see what happens. It may be something to do with what's getting caught in the driver's view.
I've found that so far it crashes pretty much no matter who I follow, but it's worth testing this a bit more.

Thanks to everyone who has had a look at this. I'll try the delete missing assets.

I'll have to try to replace assets that are exclusive to Season Town. I would like this to be available to as many people as possible when I eventually release it.

n3v's QA department have managed to replicate the crash in the original DLS route, and are looking into it. Hopefully they can track down what is going wrong. It should be emphasized that this didn't happen before the HD scenery update. Obviously, that doesn't mean it can't be a particular asset that is conflicting with something in later versions.

Thanks again...

Just a quick update. N3V initially managed to replicate the crash, and sent it on to the Dev Team. They couldn't replicate, but they were running a new unreleased build, so hopefully all this will be fixed in the next patch.

Thanks to everyone who tested and/or made helpful suggestions. I'll let everyone know if the forthcoming patch fixes the issues. I might even release an update...

Quick (very belated) update - I've finally got round to installing SP4, and the crashing problem doesn't seem to be an issue anymore. Many thanks to everyone who had a look at this for me. I still have an issue with Trams & trains skipping stops and skipping orders, but I think that may be an AJS station issue.