Yarn Rai;way crossings


Active member
Hi all.
I like to ask if any one know why this is happening.
I am using [ Yarn Crossings kuid:2:124017:30018:1 ]
when any cars goes across the crossing [ it jumps up ]
and comes down again when finish the crossing
Thanks in advance for any help.
It happens with many crossings as it depends on the roads you have attached to it, It's a bit of a trial and error situation. So you will have to try changing the road either side of the crossing.
You need to use Yarn roads with yarn crossings and Yarnish roads with yarnish crossings, differences in surface height.
Hi Chadd04
Thanks for your answer I will check that I am using the same creators roads and crossings.
Hi Again Chadd04.
Ok I just checked what you wrote.
The traffic still jumps on the crossings.
This is what I use.
kuid2:124017:30020:1 Crossing
kuid2:124017:26055:1 Road
I have done the test on a blank board
I use trainz 2009 =Build 44653
Hi, There is an update for the crossing but I am unable to download it at the moment as the server is showing full. However the crossing I have connected to the road you quote, shows that the cars brake or slowdown to go over the crossing but do not 'jump'.
I can only suggest using a road with slower moving traffic.
Hi, There is an update for the crossing but I am unable to download it at the moment as the server is showing full. However the crossing I have connected to the road you quote, shows that the cars brake or slowdown to go over the crossing but do not 'jump'.I can only suggest using a road with slower moving traffic.
Hi.Well I looked at the download station where you download the crossingand it tells you to use this kuid [ 124017:26011 :1 ]Its there on the download station but can not be downloaded why I do not knowHerlev

If your version of the crossing is Kuid:<124017:30020:1> drag it into the download helper and it will automatically update to Kuid:<124017:30020:3> The Road (12417:26011:1) is correct. But I don't think this will cure your initial problem. As I still feel you need a road with slower moving traffic.
Hi carr.
Well I will try that.
For more information I can tell you that it does not mater what road I use
it still does the [ Jump ]
Maybe I have to send an e-mail to the creator
Its really weird, I made the road into a circle connected to the crossing, the first time a car passes over the crossing it jumps, but after that it goes across smooth as a whistle. I can't use yarnish as there is an error with the bell.