Car Flight


Trainz Builder
Hi All
Just started to play with 2019 again. I decided to make a freeway using YARN stuff...When the cars get to the fixed track exits they elevate while traveling over them then go back down on the road. Is this fixable?
Also what do I do to make their speed different than original. I've modified the congfig for the L4 and L6 roads but the fixed assets are a different animal....YARN ExitA 4L DL3 -Si +Sh and YARN ExitB 4L DL3 -Si +Sh.

Any help would be appreciated

The bumping is due to the invisible road that is used to connect the roads to the different roads entering the intersections.

If you can do it, you can modify the invisible road, or better yet, replace that with another and change the car speed (speed limit) used by changing or adding in the following tag to the config.txt file.


Here's the information from the Wiki:
Only applicable to splines which have 'isroad' set. Defines the carz speed limit of the road in meters per second. Carz currently travel at up to 80%-110% (depending on the car) of the speed limit, except when overtaking.

Thanks I’ll try that. It’s been so long since I’ve played that I’ve discovered more downloads from different people. I’ll try those before I start modifying what I have. Maybe someone else has already solved my problem!!
I went back to TRS 2010 where I had imported this part of my layout from and found no issues with the same kuids. I’m guessing the newer builds react differently to the older kuids. I tried messing with the older fixed asset and it just brought up all kinds of errors.
That aside I was able to increase the speed on the roads I’m using without any errors.
As far as the fixed parts I found some updated ones on the DLS so problem solved!!
I went back to TRS 2010 where I had imported this part of my layout from and found no issues with the same kuids. I’m guessing the newer builds react differently to the older kuids. I tried messing with the older fixed asset and it just brought up all kinds of errors.
That aside I was able to increase the speed on the roads I’m using without any errors.
As far as the fixed parts I found some updated ones on the DLS so problem solved!!
That's good to hear. Thank you for the update.

I had a feeling that the older assets may balk and fight back when you attempted to edit them requiring more fixes to make them work. I'm glad you found alternatives and were able to update the speed of the roads to match.