www.roystrainz.com website seems dead

I tried that link and the site is for sale. I tried the Wayback machine and it gave a 502 bad gateway error. Big oof
Roy is still an active creator for Trainz. He has moved on to selling his routes through N3V's store. If you haven't already, take a look at his Canadian Rockies routes. They are splendid with lots of details and busy session.
Roy is still an active creator for Trainz. He has moved on to selling his routes through N3V's store. If you haven't already, take a look at his Canadian Rockies routes. They are splendid with lots of details and busy session.
actually, the Canadian rocky mountains was the route that I got with TRS19
actually, the Canadian rocky mountains was the route that I got with TRS19
He has made additional routes in addition to the built-in ones that are available for sale through the Content Store unless you have Plus where they are included.