How is the Environment settings on post-TANE editions?


Well-known member
Is weather, lighting and skies more realistic? I'm trying to do night Trainzing in the stormy rain, but I see bright stars in a black sky. No cloud cover at night. In Surveyor, in Environment window, I've done a lot of monkeying around with sun and ambient color settings as well as cloud, fog and weather selection. In rainy weather, day or night, I want very gloomy and dark lighting and a misty-looking air. I don't want to see any sunlight during the day or shadows in adverse weather with heavy cloud cover. I can't get any cloud cover at night in TANE. Trainzing in the rain seems to work much better during daylight hours where cloud cover does show up. Other unrealistic visual effects are loco smoke that glows white at night and silver wheel rims that glow in the dark.

The following is day Tainzing in stormy weather with very, very cloudy sky and some degree of fog. Ambient colors are set low and sun colors are completely turned off.

This is a night shot with similar settings as daytime except ambient colors are tined down a bit more. You will have to click the pic to enlarge it to see the big bright starry black skies. Clouds are missing altogether. And TANE also features no lighting or thunder on stormy setting. Does the newest edition of Trainz have much better weather effects?

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I think I just figured out how to get the stars out of the sky on a rainy TANE night. Use Weather and Water tab first to get sky, snow altitude and clouds settings. Then use Lighting tab and click on each and every green LED about the face of the clock to apply those Lighting properties to each and every one of those times. The Environment is more fiddly in TANE than it was in TS12.
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Some time later...

Well, I can only get the stars out of the night sky in Surveyor, not Driver. The damn things pop back in the night sky whether rainy or stormy weather even though the sky was set with total cloud cover in Surveyor.