Would it be useful to split the Freeware forum into the various Trainz versions?


Since 09 May 2003
As the title suggests, would it be useful to split the Freeware Announcement section into the various Trainz versions? Why? Because if I'm interested I just get tired of asking is it for version XYZ, especially if the downloads are elsewhere and not on the download station, and is not stated.
I think it would be a great idea. Auran has created quite a mess with all the different versions of their railroad game. A section for each version would split everything up very nicely, IMO.
I would never have to 'weed' through all the other versions looking for '04 content. It would all be in one place.
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I really hope this does happen at some point, because i'm fed up of finding content that i really like the look of and then finding out it's not for '06.
I really hope this does happen at some point, because i'm fed up of finding content that i really like the look of and then finding out it's not for '06.

There is very little content that won't run under TRS2006. Most content marked TRS2004 SP4 (version 2.4) runs fine but you may wish to fix a few errors as TRS2006 is less tolerant than TRS2004 which often simply ignored the rest of the config.txt file if it found something it didn't understand.

For example since my newer items are created in TC they will run under TRS2006 as well as TC and TRS2004 although marked TRS2004. My beta testersbare kind enough try them out under the different versions.

Cheerio John
Good idea.

And while they are doing that, they could also fix the DLS search so that we no longer see TRS2006 content if we "un-tick" the TRS2006 check-box.

It would reduce unnecessary server usage for Auran and prevent accidental downloads of useless '06 content when you are only looking for '04 or earlier.
While I can see merit in the idea I don't agree that it would best serve the community, mainly because each version can use content from that version down. So for a user to see the latest content available, they would have to look at the TC forum, and the 06 forum, and the 04 forum, and the UTC forum... To look at it another way, someone who creates content that is useable in 04 will likely gain an audience of only 04 users.

Perhaps a better way would be for the creator to add the version in the post's title. (eg Driveable Rabbit (v04))
Nat said:
Perhaps a better way would be for the creator to add the version in the post's title. (eg Driveable Rabbit (v04))

That's a good idea Nat.

I have often cursed CMP for not being able to filter out the different versions when searching.

It is annoying to download items only to find out they will not work due to a version clash.
