After being involved with this simulator for some years now, I have seen things go from GUYS and GALS let's have some, what are you working on. And that is totally cool, to JUST WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT? I DON'T LIKE THERE FOR YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO DO IT. Simply put, a few have made them self GOD over everyone else and in doing have forgotten about the fun. Now I will be the first to admit that there is some things on sketch up that I wouldn't touch if you paid me to. But I have download some items and gave them a try. Yes there poly count is high. But for me, I know not to flood to any area with them. I use what looks good and do so sparingly. If one of my members asks for an item I upload it to my site only. This way I don't flood (as it has been stated) with this high poly crap. Before I upload anything I do modify it some and edit what I can.The community seems to have survived to this point.
Sadly, there seems to be no sense of proportion in this discussion. Sure efficient content is the ideal, but the learning curve is becoming so steep that I can't see why anyone should bother really. A whole lot of work followed by a whole lot of complaints.
New creators used to be welcomed and encouraged. Where is the support now?
Now please let me reference the below pic. I've noted every item the pic that has come from sketch up.

I can respect that not every one would want these items. But I have searched everywhere for these, offered to pay people to make them with no takers. Now from my understanding the people that made these models are not even part of trainz. So they are making them for fun. My self I'm using them for my enjoyment only. If some one asks for an item then I'll share it. The minute they open the config they see this message." XXX Item created by XY-USER. All I did was import it to trainz. Feel free to do with as you wish. So long as credit for the original goes the creator." Now let's jump back to the picture above.
I have 5 items from sketch-up. This area is flooded with 3d grass from the DLS. Not to mention all of the other detail in this one small area. Please understand that I'm not wanting to argue with any one. But I am interested in knowing the answer to a couple of questions.
When I bought the program, who here helped me pay for it?
When did this go from something that all us did for fun, to a full time with a few select employers?
When did everyone become so critical over what some one else did?
When did it become rule that one had to download everything on the DLS? There's things on the DLS that in my opinion are horrible. But I would never say that to person who made it.
When did it become ok for people that I don't even know to call me lazy when all I want to do is have fun with what I paid for?
When it did become a criminal offense for me to down load and use something that some one else may not like?
Lastly, and the biggest question. WHEN DID THIS STOP BEING FUN? Guys that's all I want to is have fun. I spend 7 days a week doing support, so when I get a minute all I want to is kick back and enjoy myself. Now if go by what I see here, then I am no longer allowed to that. I now for some reason have ask for permission to do that. Frankly to me that is not fun. While my specialty is creating routes, I am very careful of the content that goes on any route I publish. The route that these items are on may never be published. If it is published I'd pull these items off as I know not every one wants them. Now before you jump all over me saying that I don't have any routes on the DLS, you're very much correct. I host them myself as they are very large. I also ensure that there is no need to chase down any missing dependency. I hate that as much as the next guy. My point is this. I am going to have my way. I paid for the program. I worked hard to earn the money to buy the program. And if I want to flood with this crap as you guys call it, then it's my choice. But one I can promise you is this. I will never upload anything that I don't make myself to the DLS. Well going on the complaints I've seen, I doubt that I'll ever upload anything to the DLS. My final question for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU. When can we get back to having fun?
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