Why do we need all of these different threads? NO SHOTS INCLUDED


New member
Can't we amalgamate some into others, saves so many threads, why do we have to have one for each company, scale, country or whatever!

Sorry if that is what you actually want, just my opinion
I think it’s because some people are only interested is certain things; they don’t want to have to scroll through pages of stuff they have no interest in while using up internet usage just to find the occasional thing that catches their interest.

(Hmmm... maybe I have said Interest to much in such a short message... o wel lol)

Can't we amalgamate some into others, saves so many threads, why do we have to have one for each company, scale, country or whatever!

Sorry if that is what you actually want, just my opinion

Because it's a damn Screenshotz Forum, that's why!!

It's where people's work and experience with the program should be encouraged.....NOT discouraged if you were to have it your way. Then the ultimate in hypocrisy, you post here without a shot.

Of all the things to moan about. If you dislike it, simply don't visit :o
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I think it’s because some people are only interested is certain things; they don’t want to have to scroll through pages of stuff they have no interest in while using up internet usage just to find the occasional thing that catches their interest.

(Hmmm... maybe I have said Interest to much in such a short message... o wel lol)


No need to take it over the top here. Keep it friendly please as that is the spirit of the forum here. :)


...I just noticed...

8) kc, the world outside of the US-America, knows Web protocol.

The Web inside the US-America, is still thrilled to death to make e-mail happen.

Most of the US-Americans hardly know how to use the "Search" functions, at the top of this page.

And fight...just wait until they read this...

And...so...many great, and timely, let alone useful threads, fall by the wayside, because of knee-jerk threads, not well thought out, and ill-titled...

News, about something new? Great! A link to the info? Not a chance!

Spell checking? That takes too much time!

Now, it's true, we have some hearing challenged folks, and this Forum Community, is multi-lingual, I really can allow for this, and participate regularly.

However, there is the need for thought, whilst at a word processor, by people who have been taught better.

Thanks, kcdowdy, for you observation, maybe in ten or twenty years, we Americans may catch up!

My Desktop...

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Can't we amalgamate some into others, saves so many threads, why do we have to have one for each company, scale, country or whatever!

Sorry if that is what you actually want, just my opinion

Pellet, oh how I agree with you, there is just too many threads and themes that can just be merged into some simpler threads. Trouble is, this is what you get with some younger members, they start nitpicking and create their own thread.

One of the most successful threds I have seen, is "UK Screenshots (Hi-Res version" which I have never seen sink to the next page (it may have done though.).

Using UK Screenshots as a thread example is to say something. You don't need seperate themes for just about everything, you can categorise it appropiately and get a far wider interest than everyone else.

If you really must post a screeshot that doesn't really fit anywhere, why not try this thread? The whole reason it exists, is because the themes were getting nitpickinly silly.
( http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=13498&highlight=Forget+the+theme )

as to Backyard, oh how right you are, but the trouble is, there is one thing that seems to be common with a lot of (younger) American members, I'll leave you to work it out. Trouble is, your message isn't going to change society nor the younger generation, like classifying "gingerisim" as racisim in the UK, it isn't going to change society.

Oh how long we have fought a battle against kids.
I don't see what the fuss is about, the only thing that I would like to suggest is that people who start a specific thread, to get things going with a pic of their own.

This is a forum, people should be able to post pretty much what they like as long as it fits in with the code of conduct.
The UK is the only one I look at, but have to scroll through many US company screenshots, or a certain train to find it...
hehehehehe, I remember a time in the recent past history of these forums that a lot of individual forums were shut down and indeed at one time the whole shebang was shut down and how people complained because of the infringement on free speech etc. Now we have someone who is complaining that there are to many threads, Yet another complaint about free speech , obviously. You can't please everyone can you. hehehehe
My Desktop...

sorry to go off topic but couldnt resist adding this to this pic

...today's new word-"gingerisim"...

8) Yes, WEN, I understand, but I have to say it, because few will!

I'm fixin' to Google gingerism...thanks!

That comes from being 49, I wouldn't trade anything for being 49!

Bigfitz, you should see that on my 19 inch widescreen monitor, stretched a mile wide!
Here is Why We Need Different Threads

Before reading this go visit the German screen shot thread. Take your time, the thread is fantastic. Great screenies by great creators but guess what?

I missed half of it because I don't have the time to go through hundred of pages of screen shots. (Even though its worth it)

I vote keep the screen shot thread as is. Individual topics on individual threads.

Don't Like, Don't Read.:hehe:
just my opinion

That's it! Your opinion. Respected but not shared by everybody, it seems. Well done! We shouldn't be afraid of expressing our opinions. And we shouldn't be afraid and upset of our opinions being questioned and not shared by others.

Thank you for your opinion. ;)

Alberte :wave:
I'm fixin' to Google gingerism...thanks!

You'll find it on the BBC, a more accurate description (they coined it! - www.bbc.co.uk ).
Gingerism is the UK medias word for discrimination against redheads, me included, because I am a redhead. I only have to walk to a loco, from Ropley shed, only to be given some deorgatory brand by a gang of useless chavs. (Look that one up too!) The difference is, I'll get lynched if I ever thought of the word "Chav" and applied it to the same group, but me? No, I don't lynch them (They'll win, every damm time.), I have to take it.

Gingerphobia is considered "fear of redheads", its a problem in both sexes really. Many members of society victimize reds, if they are present and they know it like one poor family from Newcastle, who basically got forced out of their own home, because the family was entirely redheaded.

In this country, you'll find one of the highest number of reds in society, but at the same time, its the locals killing them off through torture and abuse. The issue here is the excuse is more like "Its not you that is the problem, its the hair colour.". We are already endangered(!) and science is even saying, in 100 years, reds will be history.

Anyway Pellet, your problem is the lousy seach engine, which on this forum is about as useful as a rail replacement bus stuck in a rush hour traffic and the local roads are gridlocked. (Hey, guess who had too many rail replacement buses for breakfast today? PARS Screws up everything.)
Anyone wanting to know, ask BBC about Portsmouth Resignalling, it is one hell of a screw-up and if it goes wrong, just make sure you don't work for Network Rail and/or Siemens UK.

This post may not make any sense, due to excessive tireness.
I only have to walk to a loco, from Ropley shed, only to be given some deorgatory brand by a gang of useless chavs. (Look that one up too!) The difference is, I'll get lynched if I ever thought of the word "Chav" and applied it to the same group, but me? No, I don't lynch them (They'll win, every damm time.), I have to take it.

Ahem not all CHAVs are bad *cough* what about me *cough* ;)