WHY CAN'T I D/L?????


Yes, I can't figure out how to get it from Timetraveller's site without "signing up" either. Bugger that!

The good news is, TrainzAgent is also available from this site and it doesn't require registration;


Yes, cooo, and cooo again! Thanks a zillion, got it from there without any hiccups.
So what's the problem with the other site demanding a sign in?

And several other useful utilities on there as well.

A bit well done for find the site.

Sorry everyone for the wrong link. When I thought of TrainzAgent I did a search on the forum and found that link and thought would work, I should have tried first :o :( .

I am happy that Dinorius_Redundicus has found a better site though. It is a good little program to use, certainly easier than the Download Helper.

One thing I found out once when I wanted to downloaded about 70+ items was to do this.

Initially the files are stored in a FTP folder in TrainzAgent, and then you open & Extract each one. (After this I also store the CDP's in a safe place). Anyway, once I have downloaded everything I then use Download Batch Pro (whatever) and let it open and extract (install) all the CDP's.

Yes, that's exactly what I do as well - use CDP Batcher to multi-install downloads automatically and I save all my CDP's.

I use Trainzobjectz to automatically rename the CDP's according to both their kuid number and content name, so that if I ever need to, I can search on either criterion to find them.

CDP Batcher and many other utils are also available from the GAURC site I linked in the previous post.
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I've D/L'd and installed trainzagent and thats as far as I got before being called away. Hope to have a chance to read up on it today. Many thanks to everybody for all the help. If I can get all this sorted out I may get brave enough to install TRS06 again and try to wrap my head around its D/L program. The last couple of times I D/L'd items there my computer froze and I had to uninstall completely to clear it. Anyway that's a story for another day. (Has anyone tried Kujo's Railsimulator?)
Used it

I've D/L'd and installed trainzagent and thats as far as I got before being called away. Hope to have a chance to read up on it today. Many thanks to everybody for all the help. If I can get all this sorted out I may get brave enough to install TRS06 again and try to wrap my head around its D/L program. The last couple of times I D/L'd items there my computer froze and I had to uninstall completely to clear it. Anyway that's a story for another day. (Has anyone tried Kujo's Railsimulator?)

I used TrainzAgent yesterday because I was getting the dreaded black screen on opening a new route. I took about 2 seconds to find 7 assets with possible missing dependencies!
Unfortunately they are nexusdj's coaches of the fag packet variety.... can't find any other dependencies for those anywhere.

But one is the AI Priority Marker, which is very odd, I used that on my first WCL section without any problems.

There is at least 1 thread here regarding the Kujo's sim...
