Why post here when this question is already discussed at length in the TC threads?
Maybe because people want an answer from Auran, and the more threads there are, the more chance of a response (unlikely, I know).
Personally, I have no interest in the competition, but I would like to see a bit more professionalism from Auran.
This is not a competition set up by a community member, this is an Auran competition.
And I don't buy this "there's only a few of them left at Auran" excuse for these situations.
We've seen it used many times for different things, and I've also seen some Fury competition users being given the same excuse by the Fury community about a competition that was run there (although for all I know, that one's been sorted as it was also a while ago :hehe
I think the "few" left at Auran need to sort out their housekeeping, and I really don't think someone taking 5 minutes to tell people whether the competition is still on or whether it's off is going to make any difference to the release schedule of whatever it is they're working on.
If I was working there, I would have taken 5 minutes out of my lunch hour just to let people know what's going on.
All these years to build up such a good image of customer relations, only to let it all slide for the sake of a few forum posts?
It baffles me, it really does.
I won't lose any sleep over it though.