What's going on here then? - BR 9F Evening Star & Black Prince

9Fs were used on the S&D between 1960 and 1966 for passenger work, from 3 coach locals to the 12 coach Pines Express until that service was diverted after 1962. Evening Star was one such loco allocated to Bath multiple times during this period but several other 9Fs were too, so a 9F hauling coaches wasn't unusual.


I think that 9F's were used as relief locos for passenger work and turned out to be very free running and fast (I seem to recall they performed some heroics on the Somerset and Dorset line for example) but were then banned from this work when it came to the attention of senior management who thought it impermissible that a 10-coupled freight engine could be run in this way (possibly a bit like Network Rail today who I believe have also banned them on the grounds their wheel sets will 'damage' turnouts and crossings?)
They were originally only banned from high speed working. They were being run at speeds of 90 mph on passenger working until someone worked out how fast the small diameter wheels were going round and thus how fast the pistons were moving inside the cylinder. After this they stopped being used on express work, but could still be used on other passenger services. The modern mainline ban is because the design of the points and crossings has changed in recent years such that flangeless wheels are no longer compatible with them.

On the subject of the DLC pack, I do find it odd that only named versions were included, especially as the standard unnamed version is the same as Black Prince but without the name plates, so the effort involved in creating that version is basically zero.
As of today, here is the list of the DLCs only available for Gold members and their release dates:

17.11.2022 • BR HST - Inter-City 125 & Midland Pullman
17.11.2022 • British Model Railway
06.12.2022 • Amtrak Superliners
21.12.2022 • LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado
22.12.2022 • Datsun Junction Model Railroad

31.05.2023 • Model Trainz: New Haven Industrial Park
18.10.2023 • The Wattz & Voltz Interurban
06.08.2024 • BR Class 11 Black & Green
All of these items are available to me to download and use with just an Trainz Plus subscription. I don't know if I can purchase any of them as I'm not going to spend money to try. Personally, I don't see a problem with having DLC content that is available to subscribers only. I have had other subscriptions that do the same thing.
Personally, I don't see a problem with having DLC content that is available to subscribers only. I have had other subscriptions that do the same thing.
The problem is that N3V initially presented the subscription model as an alternative, it was just a question of choice. Now there's no real choice as the retail version is inferior to the subscription version even at point of release.

Perhaps N3V should bite the bullet and go subscription only.
When I was comparing Trainz with other sims quite a few years ago, Trainz had the advantage of an impressive selection of items available for download at no charge. Other sims were apparently better in quality/realism, but to expand ones collection of rolling stock generally involved payware. It would seem to me that Trainz is slowly moving in that direction i.e. To go beyond the initial sales package, one is going to be confronted with additional costs. I really have no opinion on that, but I have to wonder just how competitive Trainz will be in a year or two. They will have some serious competition in the train sim market!
If you want to stay up to date on Trainz, then the only way is by subscription. it is better then paying out more money every time a new release comes out. As long as you have a current subscription , then you get to play with all the Goodies. Everyone is short with money these days so you have to decide what is necessary.
As a matter of academic interest, the "9F" was British Railways highest rating for a freight locomotive and would therefore never see service hauling passenger stock. The only use a 9F + coaches would serve is for a preservation company on their private trackwork, or if BR gave permission to operate a special train on BR tracks. In the latter scenario, a diesel would be coupled at the rear just in case of a power failure up front, The diesel would then move the consist as directed by BR to avoid disruption of their regular services. The above comments are based on my observations of the ECML between 1958 and 1968.
That is incorrect the Canton based 9F's were regularly used on passenger workings.
That is incorrect the Canton based 9F's were regularly used on passenger workings.
Well I can only assume that they never made it on the ECML from Peterborough to Kings X. It is also a bit of a puzzle understanding why a 9F rated locomotive would be allocated to a passenger haul? Perhaps scrapping of old steam was faster than the diesel introductions?
Well I can only assume that they never made it on the ECML from Peterborough to Kings X. It is also a bit of a puzzle understanding why a 9F rated locomotive would be allocated to a passenger haul? Perhaps scrapping of old steam was faster than the diesel introductions?

In the case of the S&D it was simple; double heading was an expensive process so the 9Fs were trialled to see how they would cope. They could handle most of the largest trains on their own over the Mendips but after the Pines Express was diverted away by the Western Region in 1962, Bath's allocation of 9Fs still had to earn their keep, so were seen on 3 coach locals and other smaller, lighter services. A 9F holds the record for the heaviest train hauled over the S&D without a pilot, topping 400 tons, seven miles of which was at a constant 1 in 50.


When I was comparing Trainz with other sims quite a few years ago, Trainz had the advantage of an impressive selection of items available for download at no charge. Other sims were apparently better in quality/realism, but to expand ones collection of rolling stock generally involved payware. It would seem to me that Trainz is slowly moving in that direction i.e. To go beyond the initial sales package, one is going to be confronted with additional costs. I really have no opinion on that, but I have to wonder just how competitive Trainz will be in a year or two. They will have some serious competition in the train sim market!
There will still be an impressive selection of quality freeware routes and rolling stock available in a few years from now. The DLS doesn't appear to be heading into the sunset and there are still plenty of independent sites producing freeware. Not all payware is better quality than the best freeware, routes in particular, where it seems they are being sloppily produced with a price tag slapped on them.
There will still be an impressive selection of quality freeware routes and rolling stock available in a few years from now. The DLS doesn't appear to be heading into the sunset and there are still plenty of independent sites producing freeware. Not all payware is better quality than the best freeware, routes in particular, where it seems they are being sloppily produced with a price tag slapped on them.
I think this is a very fair point. Let's see what happens when new DLC comes along, but if it's only available for Gold members (with no product lifecycle management) then this is very quickly going to develop into a two-tier community with a (small?) minority having access to all the goodies and everyone else using 20 year old models that don't look terribly good in the latest game environment. (I exaggerate, but you know what I mean.)
I think this is a very fair point. Let's see what happens when new DLC comes along, but if it's only available for Gold members (with no product lifecycle management) then this is very quickly going to develop into a two-tier community with a (small?) minority having access to all the goodies and everyone else using 20 year old models that don't look terribly good in the latest game environment. (I exaggerate, but you know what I mean.)
I agree with you 100 percent on this Paul. Such an environment is disastrous and will only lead to a mass exodus from the game if pushed far enough. If Subscriptions were required, I guarantee you that more than half of Trainz's userbase would up and leave.

I purchased Trainz 22 Platinum Edition because it promised me access to the above aforementioned DLC. The Tornado, 43 HST and Class 11s were all provided through the Platinum Edition bundle I purchased, and it was a fantastic way to acquire the DLC I wanted to for a flat price along with the new game - I have no problems with that.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up and I discovered that NONE of the DLC I paid for was accessible anymore. It all reads "Payware Not Active" as if I hadn't paid for the thing to begin with - and the Tornado DLC disappeared entirely! I've already reached out to the Trainz Error department, but it's been two weeks with no response to my ticket. I have heard rumors of other people having the same issue and I have little hope it will ever be resolved. I will most likely have to repurchase all the DLC once the new Trainz version comes out and it is considered obsolete as I assume is the plan if the content has been on the Store for 2 Years and the lifespan of each Trainz game is about 3.

THIS is the reason people are against Plus Subscriptions. I shouldn't have to wonder if my content I pay for will be there when I get home or if it's magically disappeared because I didn't turn on autopay in regard to my account. These kinds of things work well for a FPS Shooter with Season Passes or a Battle Royal game with infinite skins and weapons, but for a simulator game it's going to rub people the wrong way entirely. I'd much rather shell hundreds of dollars away to Joesph and Barney because I will at least OWN my content from them when all's said and done, they aren't going to take it away just because I don't pay them monthly for it.

Trainz Users like to own their games AND the content that's in them. That's why JointedRail, K&L and Darlington Works have been so popular. Renting Content is never going to be acceptable to the majority of them and that will kill Trainz in the long run. It's killing Railworks, it killed Ubisoft and it will kill this too. Just remember how long it took for everybody to accept TRS19 and the shift to PBR. It's going to be an uphill battle no matter how you slice it.
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any content that you pay for, allways will be yours.
any content that you GET with a PLUS subscription , will ONLY be available WHILE you have the subscription.

I do not see how people can get confused with this.

If you like some DLC content and can not afford it.....SO WHAT, GET OVER IT.

Just because you want it and N3V will not either...

1. give it to you.
2. allow to you to buy it.
3. let users who pay for subscriptions have it.

again, so what......
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any content that you pay for, allways will be yours.
any content that you GET with a PLUS subscription , will ONLY be available WHILE you have the subscription.

I do not see how people can get confused with this.

If you like some DLC content and can not afford it.....SO WHAT, GET OVER IT.

Just because you want it and N3V will not either...

1. give it to you.
2. allow to you to buy it.
3. let users who pay for subscriptions have it.

again, so what......
I was always happy to pay for Trainz content, I'm not happy to pay for the same content each and every month.
I purchased Trainz 22 Platinum Edition because it promised me access to the above aforementioned DLC. The Tornado, 43 HST and Class 11s were all provided through the Platinum Edition bundle I purchased
Unfortunately I don't see any of those listed for Trainz22PE. I also purchased Trainz22PE.