I was wondering what type of rail fans people are. Which of the following are you?
A. You play Trainz
B. You have a Model RR if some kind
c. you work for a RR.
D. You are the kind of person who would by traion tickets for a transit line and ride end to end just for fun
E. You think trains are the only way to travel.
F. Other (post below)
G> Anything i forgot
H. All of the above (a-e)
I am H. I work for NJT In my trainz game. (so it isn't real but who cares lol)
A. You play Trainz
B. You have a Model RR if some kind
c. you work for a RR.
D. You are the kind of person who would by traion tickets for a transit line and ride end to end just for fun
E. You think trains are the only way to travel.
F. Other (post below)
G> Anything i forgot
H. All of the above (a-e)
I am H. I work for NJT In my trainz game. (so it isn't real but who cares lol)
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