What Is the Current TRS 06 Build?


New member
Hey guys. I have TRS 06 SP 1 installed. Build 3092? Anyways, I'm hearing word of a Build 3337, version 2.6. What is this? Is there any patch/service pack to update it?

Thanks. :)
That is the version number for a differnt countries version(I think) I have 3092 as well(I'm assuming thats the US version) But don't hold me to this.
what restricts content use is the version #. all 3000 series builds for TRS2006 are version 2.6. so if your version was the pre sp1 build (2700 series?) then you would have a earlier version # and stuff built for 2.6 would not work. Or at least thats how I understand it to work.

I'm running on version 2.5, build 2773. Haven't updated to SP1 yet, and some say build 3<something> has some problems.

I'm anticipating TC3 anyway, so it's not really a big problem.
Does anyone have a recommendation on which TRS installation is the most stable for route building? There's this undo glitch in TRS06 that when I'm building certain routes (esp large ones) which i really irritating. :(
Build 3092 is TRS2006 (Australia and USA) upgraded to SP1 and no further upgrades are available for it.

Build 3337 is TRS2006 as included with Trainz Railwayz (aka Trainz Classics) in the USA. It includes SP1 pre-installed. According to various postings here it has a bug whereby some wording appears in Spanish instead of English.

TRS2006 without SP1 applied is V2.5. TRS2006 with SP1 applied is V2.6.

AFAIK anything created in Build 3092 can be run in Build 3337 and vice-versa.

Build 2773 is TRS2006 (Just Trains/UK) with no service pack applied.

TRS2006 (Just Trains/UK) with SP1 applied is build 3099.

Provided you follow the installation instructions totally precisely, SP1 for TRS2006 won't cause any problems and has quite a few advantages (ummm, cough, cough, notably being able to run RBR activities!).

IMHO the most stable version of Trainz for anything, including content creaton, is undoubtedly TRS2004 SP4 - but other people have other opinions :) :)

So basically, build 3337 (Trainz Classics) is the same as the TRS 06 SP1?
Build 3337 is TRS06 SP1, just a slightly different regional version. Sorry, I don't know if the selection of built-in layouts and sessions differs between the various regional editions of TRS2004 and/or TRS2006.

Build 3337 is not Trainz Classics. I've seen build numbers mentioned for Trainz Classics of 3323 (US/Australia) and 3355 (UK). There may be others. Trainz Classics doesn't have service packs, instead you have to pay for the complete new product each time there's a patch released. However, that does include an additional layout or two. Trainz Classics doesn't include most of the built-in assets that were included in TRS2004 and TRS2006, but because of that most people report that it runs with slightly better frame rates.

Trainz Classics is called Trainz Railways in the UK and Trainz Railwayz in the USA. The version sold in the USA also includes a "free" copy of TRS2006; however that is not the case with the versions sold in Australia and the UK.

Auran also sell a collection of several versions of Trainz. Sorry, I don't know the build numbers.

Tower of Babel? Not 'arf! I suspect that many potential purchasers of Trainz are so confused that they just walk away.

I'm running on version 2.5, build 2773. There's this undo glitch in TRS06 that when I'm building certain routes (esp large ones) which i really irritating. :(
What is this Undo glitch that people speak of? I use Undo a lot and I notice that there are random spiky hills in unused parts of my baseboard. Is that the glitch?
Mick Berg.
What is this Undo glitch that people speak of? I use Undo a lot and I notice that there are random spiky hills in unused parts of my baseboard. Is that the glitch?
Mick Berg.

Thats a new one to me. The big one that a llot of people complain/ed about is that sometimes when you press the undo button the game crashes.

That undo glitch has already been dealt with and the only to solve it is to upgrade to SP1. The undo button can cause loads of problems, best thing to do right now is to not use it.
That undo glitch has already been dealt with and the only to solve it is to upgrade to SP1. The undo button can cause loads of problems, best thing to do right now is to not use it.
I don't think it has been dealt with at all,I have SP1 and if I use it to many times the game crashes,or sometimes if I hit it once it crashes.
Yes I also have SP1 installed and for me TRS2006 is unstable I only have to click undo more than once and it crashes and I loose all my work
My experience with the Undo Button was having some splines - roads mostly - "going berserk" and placing existing roads at random from one end of the map to the other and even across open areas between baseboards.
Took ages to correct and I even removed one map because it was an absolute nightmare - have not used "undo" since.:'(
Sorry to interrupt the flow, but just what is Service Pack 1? How would I know if I have it or not? I have 2006, installed from the DVD. Does that automatically include SP 1? If not, how do I go about installing it? Thanks for your patience. Barney.
SP1 is a free update to TRS2006. to know if you have it; Open Trainz. and look in the lower left hand corner. It will tell you your build number. Then come back to this thread where the different build numbers are listed. and see if you have SP1.

Open the Trainz program and on the first Panel at the bottom right it should read Trainz 2006 - Trainz Version 2.6 - 3092. If not go the Trainz website and check the Service Pack information and download if necessary. Hope this helps.:)
Open the Trainz program and on the first Panel at the bottom right it should read Trainz 2006 - Trainz Version 2.6 - 3092
The 2.6 is the thing to look for. The build number need not be 3092, it can be any one of several possibilities, for each of the regional editions.
