I have been working on a NG route, but it hasn't been released yet:
The worst RR was the Wopsononock RR (Kittanning Indian dialect), meaning: "White (mans) Rock Land" aka: Wopsy RR, aka: Altoona Northern, aka: Altoona Ebensburg & Eastern, aka: Altoona Johnstown NantyGlo Ebensburg & Eastern, and was renamed @ 7 other RR names. The most often bankrupted and traded RR in Pa, it was created as a 36" NG tourist RR in 1897, later SG in 1902, and survived as a coal & lumber line, that further extended from Highland Fling to Dean, where it connected to the Fallentimber line, and finally closed in 1920. The rocky roadbed is still maintained by avid wintertime snowmobilers tread tracks, by equestrian horse riders, and by the Juniata Hunting & Sportsman's Association. The wooden RR ties are still in place in certain spots even though they are over a century old, and the RR ballast was indigenous limestone slabs and rock cut right from the hillsides. Very little, or no real RR ballast was used, earthen fills were the norm, and it truly was a backwoods rustic RR.
Its creation was for taking the rich & famous coal, oil and banking barons families as vacationers from Juniata (elevation 1000') up to the summit at the Wopsononck Hotel & Resort (elevation 2750'). In 1902 a raging forest fire (thought to be from locomotive sparks) destroyed the Wopsy Hotel, Philadelphia Toboggan Co Merry Go Round, Horse Stables, and 2 mile long wooden boardwalk out to the 4 story wooden Wopsononock Overlook bandstand tower, which served a dance hall for elegant women in hoop dress's and elaborate hats of the era, and men in tuxedos, derby's, and top hats. The hotel was declared a total loss with an underinsured rebuilding value of $125.000.00, a huge sum of money in that day and age.
The ride from Hollidaysburg (still the home of the Slinky Toy factory) to Juniata via the Altoona Electric trolley system cost an astronomical 45 cents, and the 11 mile steam locomotive ride from Juniata, up to the Wopsy Hotel summit, cost a whopping 15 cents !
Elaine Conrad, and her late husband maintained a great webpage, with hundreds of links all about the WopsyRR and Altoona. Sadly the original webpage has been discontinued and lost forever.
Urban legends of the "Lady In White" ghost stories are associated in the Wopsy Hotel area near the treacherous Devils Elbow mountain road catastrophe which claimed the lives the woman's husband and infant in a horse and buggy cliff side accident. And in this photo the "Ghost of the Lady In White" is thought to be seen in the second story right central window above the porch steps entrance:
The Lady in White ghost is thought to still inhabit the scene of the wreck searching for her loved ones. It is rumored that people who stop to assist the lady in white, who like a banshee is standing in the middle of darkened mountain roadway at night, and drivers who stop give her a ride, look in the rear view mirror, startled to see no refection of the aberration who is sitting right in their backseat.