We're Baaack!


New member
Well, It sure has been a long time! My system took a big dump, and I lost everything back in 2011, so I got frustrated and gave up.

Now we're back to try and finish what I started, Only trouble is, I forgot all I had learned about creating content, so now I have a few questions for the elders.

  1. First, Has anyone finished building a Royal Gorge route through the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado? I don't want to do what has already been done.
  2. I was using a program that was created to import terrain maps. I lost it when my system crashed. Anyone know where I can get it back, Or is it needed for the 2012 addition? If not, how would I import my terrain maps into 2012.
  3. I have completely forgotten how to create and add content to Trainz. I am assuming this may have changed as well. Does anyone know of a quick refresher guide for me to use? Once I get one item of content installed, I will be good to go from there.
  4. When I started Trainz, I was using 2009 World Builder, and Blender to create my models. I am now proficient in 3DS Max, Blender, Gmax, Photoshop, and Gimp. What combination of these would you suggest be best suited for Trainz 2012?

Before I crashed, I had all the terrain finished from Canon City, CO. to Salida, Co, approximately 80 miles of terrain. My goal was to go from Pueblo Colorado to Grand Junction. But now that's all gone. I had also completed the model of the Royal Gorge Bridge, also all gone. But then, I was using an old system, and now have the resources to finish a map that size.

I will post some of my pics that I did get to save from the past at a later time in a new thread under, The Royal Gorge.

So anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated, and not only will I one day be able to finish this, (Maybe) but in the mean time, I may be able to assist others with Blender, 3DS Max, etc.

Thanks for your help, and taking the time to read this thread.
Welcome back.

1. I have no idea but Joosten has done some routes that may be of interest to you. See here:


2. TransDEM. You can get it here:


You WILL need a new version as the USGS updated things about 2 years ago and IIRC dropped the GeoTIFF format that was what most American Trainzers would have used in TransDEM.

3. It really hasn't changed, unless you're talking about T:ANE. For TS12 and earlier, you do everything from CMP - use File-> Import to import a CDP or as folders. Hit CTRL-E to Edit, CTRL-M to commit, CTRL-R to revert any content edits you made without saving. If you want more help with config.txt, content creation, etc. post what's tripping you up, preferably in the Content Creation forum.

4. Use whatever you feel is most productive. Blender seems to be the preferred tool right now. 3DS is good too, but there has been some talk by N3V on standardizing on Blender in the future, although they haven't committed to anything AFAIK. Combined with the fact that it's pretty popular in the content creation community already and it seems to be the logical choice IF you want to pick a specific route to go. But lots of people still use GMAX and produce some kickbutt stuff so use whatever works best for you. You might want to learn about normal mapping, materials like tbumptex and tbumpenv which are going to be of significance going forward; I don't know how well or if GMAX supports those material types. Also be aware that LoD is pretty important too.
Thanks for the info. The TransDEM was exactly what I was looking for. Now if I can remember how to use it. I do remember it came with one serious learning curve.

I also remember a bit about normal maps such as tbumptex and tbumpenv in Blender. I do remember some talk about people preferring Blender to 3DS Max, but I figured that was due to cost. Never the less, I will give each a try, and see if ones graphics may be better than the other.

Also, I noticed your versions of Trainz, and see you have T:ANE CE, I will need to check into this. If there is a more current version, it may be more beneficial to use it.

Again, Thanks for all your help.
Thanks for the info. The TransDEM was exactly what I was looking for. Now if I can remember how to use it. I do remember it came with one serious learning curve.

I also remember a bit about normal maps such as tbumptex and tbumpenv in Blender. I do remember some talk about people preferring Blender to 3DS Max, but I figured that was due to cost. Never the less, I will give each a try, and see if ones graphics may be better than the other.

Also, I noticed your versions of Trainz, and see you have T:ANE CE, I will need to check into this. If there is a more current version, it may be more beneficial to use it.

Again, Thanks for all your help.

Oh, didn't notice that. Actually, I don't have T:ANE CE. I guess it's there because I backed the Kickstarter Campaign, but I've opted-out of T:ANE CE and the beta program due to N3Vs restrictive DRM. I'm waiting for the final, boxed version to be released, which is supposed to be sometime in February.

Also, T:ANE CE was just released and is having a huge amount of teething problems. Since content creation seems to be your goal, I advise you to stick with an older version, preferably TS2009 for any objects created in Blender and TS12 before the SP1 patch (49922 or earlier) for any routes and sessions. The DLS is still accepting uploads for TS2009 content. TransDEM isn't designed to work with T:ANE at the moment either; really, I'd give it at least a year before thinking about migrating any routes to T:ANE to see what happens.
Should point out that CE is not yet at full release - that will happen on 27th Feb 2015 If you go on the main website you will see it advertised on there.
I was using Microdem + Hog to create my maps before. Is TransDem a complete program, or does it run in conjunction with another such as Hog? Also, most sites I have found now are charging upwards of 15.00 for one DEM.
Any sites left out there that are free?
Also, the process of adding the map seamed to have changed, Or I can't find the location on in my pc (Win 8.1) to place the new map for Trains?

Any help. LOL
What sites are charging for DEMs? Yes, TransDEM is complete except that you have to select whatever areas you want to make a DEM from using the National Map Viewer for the U.S. It's here: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/viewer/ It can also download whatever overlays (basemaps) you'll want to use.

There are plenty of free sites out there, depending on what you want.
Welcome back Maddox!
When you`re all set up, it would be cool if you made a thread here in the forum for us to follow your progress.
It sounds like an interesting project.
Oh, didn't notice that. Actually, I don't have T:ANE CE. I guess it's there because I backed the Kickstarter Campaign, but I've opted-out of T:ANE CE and the beta program due to N3Vs restrictive DRM. I'm waiting for the final, boxed version to be released, which is supposed to be sometime in February.

Also, T:ANE CE was just released and is having a huge amount of teething problems. Since content creation seems to be your goal, I advise you to stick with an older version, preferably TS2009 for any objects created in Blender and TS12 before the SP1 patch (49922 or earlier) for any routes and sessions. The DLS is still accepting uploads for TS2009 content. TransDEM isn't designed to work with T:ANE at the moment either; really, I'd give it at least a year before thinking about migrating any routes to T:ANE to see what happens.

Can you please tell me what does it mean by your sentence (but I've opted-out of T:ANE CE and the beta program due to N3Vs restrictive DRM.) Is N3V going to have client like steam and we can only use it if it is present in the system?
Trainz, as of the TS12 SP1 patch, requires a monthly check-in with N3Vs own servers in order for you to use any DLC you've purchased from their store; otherwise, it, and anything that depends on them, stops working until you reconnect. It also does not allow you to edit or tinker with DLC e.g. changing out hornsounds or the like.

Beginning with T:ANE, all digital downloadable versions also extend this DRM to the game itself. So, you need to "activate" or "authorize" the game when you first run it and every month thereafter, or it stops working completely. The boxed version allows you to turn this feature off - lots of people run offline - and the game will still work, but the DRM still applies to DLC, as it did with TS12.

This is N3V's own DRM system and operates in addition to any that Steam or other third-party vendors may require.
Being one who knows stuff about Blender, I will suggest blender. Some vast improvements have came to Blender, including the main quick create tab being moved from the top to the side.
Trainz, as of the TS12 SP1 patch, requires a monthly check-in with N3Vs own servers in order for you to use any DLC you've purchased from their store; otherwise, it, and anything that depends on them, stops working until you reconnect. It also does not allow you to edit or tinker with DLC e.g. changing out hornsounds or the like.

Beginning with T:ANE, all digital downloadable versions also extend this DRM to the game itself. So, you need to "activate" or "authorize" the game when you first run it and every month thereafter, or it stops working completely. The boxed version allows you to turn this feature off - lots of people run offline - and the game will still work, but the DRM still applies to DLC, as it did with TS12.

This is N3V's own DRM system and operates in addition to any that Steam or other third-party vendors may require.

Thanks for the info, then in that case if i use it system which is not connected to internet, i wont be able to play the game after a month. i didn't know this else i would have gone for boxed version :( . is there any way i can change it to boxed version now.
You're welcome. I think you should be able to make the change and just pay the difference with shipping. Go to your order page at SimulatorCentral. Check your order to see if there is some option to contact Helpdesk. If not, you can probably use the Helpdesk link above.