A question on flat buildings


Active member
I am looking for flat buildings to place against a backdrop. I am working on a model railroad route and need buildings with no real depth. I have looked on the DLS under a half dozen keywords. I searched the forums as well. The only buildings I found were of a barn and some English storefronts that seemed, very much out of scale (too small). Am I looking for something that isn't there? I can't believe this hasn't come up before.

I know some would be quick to suggest learning Blender and doing it myself. However, I gave that an honest try. I simply couldn't understand. Learning Biblical Greek was easier than Blender.

Any suggestions?
@jeff1959 - There aren't really any. I had made some that are partial flats for my Kingsbury Branch MRR, but ended up converting them into full buildings.
I do have many buildings on the DLS that have been modeled from IRL layout buildings, and @etozorak does as well.

If you really want layout specific flats made, you will have to model/texture/export them yourself.

I suggest learning either Blender if you want to make buildings with complex texture mapping, (i.e. JR, Trainzforge and similarly textured buildings.)
Or invest in Sketchup, like I did, to make buildings with only diffuse and normal maps.

EDIT: I think @davesnow has modern building sets that could work, if you're willing to kitbash with them. I don't remember exactly what they are called, maybe he can jump in and elaborate 👌

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I am looking for flat buildings to place against a backdrop. I am working on a model railroad route and need buildings with no real depth. I have looked on the DLS under a half dozen keywords. I searched the forums as well. The only buildings I found were of a barn and some English storefronts that seemed, very much out of scale (too small). Am I looking for something that isn't there? I can't believe this hasn't come up before.

I know some would be quick to suggest learning Blender and doing it myself. However, I gave that an honest try. I simply couldn't understand. Learning Biblical Greek was easier than Blender.

Any suggestions?
That's a good idea. I've got a large yard in an old city ( late 1800's) and need to free up a lot of building textures to get smoother screen rates without losing the city atmosphere.