Version 2 NYCTA stations missing


Hello to all been a while since I been here just a quick question about
a old route that I downloaded for the dls, nycta downloaded it twice and still no stations sup
how can i resolve this issue: running it in 2012 much respect for all help:cool:
Nice to see you again, smyrick!

Are there any missing dependencies, or faulty assets? This will prevent the stations from loading.

Have you looked for the dependencies on TrainzKuidIndex? If the dependencies are on the Download Station, right-clicking the main asset and clicking Download should pick them up.

looks like the dls no longer supports nycta files so need to know where to go next with this working with kuid:44558:100004
looks like the dls no longer supports nycta files so need to know where to go next with this working with kuid:44558:100004

That route reports 216 dependencies, 209 on the DLS, 6 built in (TS12) and 1 you need to find. You can ignore that last one, or search at the site mentioned above.
hello again hopefully your having a good summer probably hitting my head on a wall but once again want to try to get nycta to work loaded again without
stations can see them in my content but stay invisible when trying to commit them as always all help and solutions appreciated
have a good day