Unmoveable Spline Points


Get over it
I'm in the process of updating my "Western Pacific King" route from Tane to TRS19 and I'm finding spline points where roads were but no roads, just spline points. No problem, just delete the points and move on. Wrong, I cannot delete or move them. I can attach a road to them, delete the road but the points remain. I took a screenshot to show what I'm referring to BUT the spline points don't show in the screenshot. What???? I attached an invisible track to them but the points remain visible. I remember something awhile ago about an asset called "missing spline". What does that do and would it help me here? Oh yeah, the spline points produce traffic, some vehicles even going backwards. Any suggestions or ideas?
poor stouthm i feel for you i have been there too but forgot what i did to solve it to many things left and right like real bugs biting you and than you oviously lose track of them in history.
Trey make a clone and do a del missing assets and see if they dissappear, can you use key P to see what layer they refer to. Didi you do an EDBR? lets go from here maybe today somewhere i rememer again what i did with the spline saga TANE 2 TRS19.
Hang in there.

slowly memory dawns on this bit by bit.
remember the roads for a big part became "track" missing spline so when you thought clicking a road spline it would not work. But the track spline does not help either so first guess until i remember more is delete missing assets and move on
I'm wondering though is it missing?

What was the original road you used?

It could be a bad spline that's doing this which I've seen occur in the past. The spline is older and not rendering properly, but loads without errors. If you can select it, meaning get the asset, you can replace it using the replace assets utility.

If you can't get it, you can always look in T:ANE and find it in TRS19, select it and do the replace assets thing.

If it is the white spline asset, you can change that to any track you want in your route. Here's the secret in making that happen.

The dashed white lines isn't "a missing asset" - it's the asset that Trainz turns to when it can't find the asset it is supposed to draw there. These white lines are, in themselves, an asset. You can find this asset in CM. It's called "Missing spline", and it's by Rob. Open it for edit. Change the KUID from <kuid:523:1124> to <kuid2:523:1124:1>, and remove the whole privileges container (containing the line "permit-listing 0") Then install that asset as if it were a new asset - e.g. drag the folder from windows explorer back onto the CM interface. Once it's installed, revert the original one (you can't commit changes to it as it's a built-in asset). Result: The dashed white lines now show up in the menu, and can be selected just like any other track spline. You could lay some down if you wanted. More to the point, you can now use the 'replace items' tool to change them to any track spline you have installed...

I will add this. When you install the folder, use the install content option. This will save so much time. Also don't panic when the creator is shown as AURAN. I hope this helps some one.


<kuid2:523:1124:1> ==== Update from <kuid2:523:1124:2> to <kuid2:523:1124:3> for T:ANE. All other procedures apply.

Need to change .texture file using PEV's Images2TGA.
... i have had that several times, when i wanted to merge some layouts / routes and/or delete some ground ... my experience : copy a smal piece of the plan (1 grid) and paste it over one end of the spline .. the spline disappears ... easy and quick ... for me it was / is 100% successful ... sporadically i had to paste it several times at the same spot, but that was in a case of stubborn parts of an asset ... hope you can move on ...
what is your western pacific king route? and try copy and pasting blank on it to remove the spline. (ive got the same issue)
It worked!!! Zsuda's solution did the trick. What a simple work around. The offending points were in a parking lot so what I did was copy a small portion of the parking lot texture and paste over the points. Poof, they're gone. Thanks everyone for checking in.

Roy, I'm 75 so I hope I don't forget this anytime soon.