Unintentional Coupling


Crabby Old Geezer
On My American Coal route, I have about 12 consists that run with A.I. drivers. They all run well for hours on hours with no problems----- EXCEPT--- One consist for some reason, after an hour or two of play, ends up coupled to the end of one of my coal trains... I can't figure this one out. Is it probably a signal problem?
It can be several different problems. 1) the signals change to late to slow the train down and stop it before it overruns the signal. This can happen when levers change at last minute to another track. 2) The speed and weight of the train is such that it takes to long to slow down so passes signals at red. It then continues and the brakes are not strong enough to stop running into the back of another train.
Good answer Stagecoach, it prob is one of those and I'd go for the train not braking fast enough, the decel rate put in to a lot of trains can be quite low, I overcome this by changing the config to make the trains brake much harder and quicker. but also check out your block lenghts