Unable to place trains - can't figure out


New member
I'm fairly new to Trainz so please excuse the (hopefully) simple answer to this issue.
While adding locomotives to a route, I must have clicked something by accident because it then allowed me to select which trains were enabled, but I couldn't select the train itself to place.
The menu looks like the regular asset selection menu but every single thing has a checkmark in the corner. I've tried to fix this, but nothing shows up. I've also restarted the game in an attempt to bring it back to normal.

Nothing has worked and I cannot upload a photo. When I try to place something, it says "No asset selected."

Thank you in advance for any help.
every single thing has a checkmark in the corner
That description very strongly resembles the Filter Palette in Surveyor 2.0. What you want is the Assets Palette.


Filter Palette shown above. Assets Palette shown below.


In the Filter Palette just to the left of the message "All 2860 enabled" in the image above is a small arrowhead pointing down. Left click on this arrowhead to close the list with the check boxes (you won't need this list unless you are using the Bulk Filter Replace operation).

To place an asset in your route you must click on it in the Assets Palette. The Filter Palette is used to select which type of asset (e.g. scenery, track, spline, etc) is to be searched for your required asset.

For a more detailed explanation see the Trainz Wiki Page How_to_Use_S20_Palettes#The_Assets_Palette and How_to_Use_S20_Palettes#The_Filter_Palette
I think I accidentally removed the assets palette from my editor, which now makes sense and I currently have it back.