UK Query


New member
Hi All
I've had trainz 2006 for 6 months and am now playing around with a UK layout ( all USA before ) so why does a large AWS warning symbol appear in the top right hand corner when driving class 37s ? and how can I get rid of it. Also quite a lot of the class 37s I download do not show up when placed on the layout in the livery stated, they all come out blue ? for example the Royal Scotsman is not maroon when placed on layout but old BR blue, any ideas
Gosh Trainz is obsessive, my friends think I've left the country !! ha ha
Hi All
I've had trainz 2006 for 6 months and am now playing around with a UK layout ( all USA before ) so why does a large AWS warning symbol appear in the top right hand corner when driving class 37s ? and how can I get rid of it. Also quite a lot of the class 37s I download do not show up when placed on the layout in the livery stated, they all come out blue ? for example the Royal Scotsman is not maroon when placed on layout but old BR blue, any ideas
Gosh Trainz is obsessive, my friends think I've left the country !! ha ha
The AWS indicator shows you the aspect of the last signal you passed. If the signal is in the clear position[green] on approaching it then the disc will show all black, but if the signal is showing yellow, the disc will change to Black& Yellow segments. In addition when the signal is clear a bell will sound, but if it is at caution this will cause a horn to sound. The indication will remain until the next signal is passed . When the disc is showing all black, no action needs to be taken, but when a signal is at caution and the horn sounds the driver must cancel the indication by preeing a button or the brakes will be applied.

Harry Failem
Thanks spur, I know what it does I just wanted to know if it could be turned off all the time, my biggest problem is the locos not in correct livery, anyone else have this problem ? and how to fix it
Hi guys, I think your Class 37 problem is because you also need the alias locomotive to be downloaded so that the livery will change accordingly. I cannot get access to my CMP at the moment ( isn't that typical just when you need it ) so I cannot remember which KUID loco it is that you need to download first. But that is the reason, maybe you can search yourselves to find which 37 is needed. I think it might be Pikkabird's re-skin.

If you look in a config.txt there is a line that says alias and then a KUID number, it is the same for Class 47's also as there are quite a few different liveries of that class of loco.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Hi Ex
Thanks but I have all plkkabird's downloads including the reskins so thats not the answer, unless of course its somebody else ? Anymore ideas ?
The original livery problem sounds like the old Class 37 to be honest. I wouldn't spend too much time on it. And stick to the much newer one. I might well be wrong
