UK Level Crossings


New member
Some questions on crossings for 1950's and 60's:

1. Are there any double track UK level crossings available, preferably with one gate on each side, where the distance between the tracks matches AJS double track stations?

2. Are there any gated angled UK single or double level crossings available?

3. Is it possible to change the warning disc on the gates of a crossing?

4. Is it possible to silence the sirens on a crossing which comes with them?

5. Is it possible to change the road surface on a crossing to match the road going over it?

6.Is it possible to change the short piece of track on a crossing for attachment of track to the type of track either side of it, like some bridges?

7. Is there a farm crossing available without height barriers?

6. Is there a farm gate available other than the wooden one or a modern tubular one?

I'd be grateful for help with these.
Some questions on crossings for 1950's and 60's:

1. Are there any double track UK level crossings available, preferably with one gate on each side, where the distance between the tracks matches AJS double track stations?

2. Are there any gated angled UK single or double level crossings available?

3. Is it possible to change the warning disc on the gates of a crossing?

4. Is it possible to silence the sirens on a crossing which comes with them?

5. Is it possible to change the road surface on a crossing to match the road going over it?

6.Is it possible to change the short piece of track on a crossing for attachment of track to the type of track either side of it, like some bridges?

7. Is there a farm crossing available without height barriers?

6. Is there a farm gate available other than the wooden one or a modern tubular one?

I'd be grateful for help with these.


yes, search for Pgmetcalf on the Download station - look for the 3.5 metre versions.


Pgmetcalf's do this.

I assume when you say 1950s and 1960s you mean manual gates? As for Q1 Yes try putting GWR into DLS fopr double gates."Yard Gate" is a single level crossing type gate but non working and has no red disc.Q2 No but you could use Yard Gate for a non working one.Q3 Probably,but difficult?Q4 If you have TRS2006 click "Edit in Explorer" and where you see the Windows Sound File thumbnail , delete it.Click yes to save the changes and then Commit the altered crossing.Q5 Probably not.I"ve found that I can use Crossing Boards to make a traditional sleepered crossing as used in the 1960s before concrete or rubber slabs were used.Q6 see previous poster.Q7 Use "Farm Gate" or "Open Farm Gate" and Crossing Boards between them.PS (Tafwebs ?) "Siding Gate" can be arranged to look and act as a single track crossing.
I assume when you say 1950s and 1960s you mean manual gates? As for Q1 Yes try putting GWR into DLS fopr double gates."Yard Gate" is a single level crossing type gate but non working and has no red disc.Q2 No but you could use Yard Gate for a non working one.Q3 Probably,but difficult?Q4 If you have TRS2006 click "Edit in Explorer" and where you see the Windows Sound File thumbnail , delete it.Click yes to save the changes and then Commit the altered crossing.Q5 Probably not.I"ve found that I can use Crossing Boards to make a traditional sleepered crossing as used in the 1960s before concrete or rubber slabs were used.Q6 see previous poster.Q7 Use "Farm Gate" or "Open Farm Gate" and Crossing Boards between them.PS (Tafwebs ?) "Siding Gate" can be arranged to look and act as a single track crossing.
Yes manual or capstan operated (if that's the right description) gates.
Q1 Yes but I need a single gate at each side.
Q2 Are there no angled crossings in GB? There seem to be heaps from Denmark and Holland on the DLS, although non have swing gates.
Q4 Does this work in 04 too?
I can't find them maybe it's because I'm on TRS 2004?

You would have to change the config to get them to work in TRS2004. Sadly, my TRS2004 doesn't work anymore and some of the plating has come off one of the disks. If anyone wants to convert my crossings to TRS2004 and upload them to the DLS, I don't mind you doing that, but please give them new kuids.
pgmetcalf, your crossings are animated right? I am trying to create a specific crossing but I'm not sure how I would go about this (right from attatching tracks throught to animation etc) can you recommend any tutorials or similar?

#2 Unfortunately not. I have requested such a thing previously, but no-one has taken up the challenge so far.

#3 If the disc is textured by an image file it is theoreticaly possible, but be sure to make a backup of the image file before you try anything.

#4 If you go into the config file of the crossing and remove the "soundscript" section I belive this will remove the sirens.

#5 I know of no way to do this. Typically an image file (.tga usually) is used to colour and mark the road surface over the crossing.

#6 Paste the following section into the config file, then remove the "road" and "track" lines which were already in the config. You may wish to copy the kuids over from the existing lines into the new part, although if you're using sdark's crossings I would recommend keeping the road kuid I have used, as it gets rid of the bit of road that obscures the track.

attached-track {
road {
track <kuid:52519:37998>
vertices {
0 "a.road0a"
1 "a.road0b"
useadjoiningtracktype 0
track0 {
track <kuid:60850:38003>
vertices {
0 "a.track0a"
1 "a.track0b"
useadjoiningtracktype 1
track1 {
track <kuid:60850:38003>
vertices {
0 "a.track1a"
1 "a.track1b"
useadjoiningtracktype 1

If the config already has something like that, rather than just two lines beginning "road" and "track", then just add the "useadjoiningtracktype 1" lines as you see above.
The above is what I have put into sdark's crossings on my PC, they work fine like that.

Don't forget to delete the dispatcher chump file once you've made changes.

Hope this helps a bit.
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Here is a complete config file for a crossing I did. Pay attention to where the anim files are in the config file. These are the GMAX animation meshes. There are 3 meshes altogether - the main mesh and the 2 anim meshes.

You will need to know how to add dummies or bones to do the animation

You will also need to learn how to add attachment points.

kuid <kuid:82763:1160>
kind "mocrossing"
username "UK Double Track Gated Crossing 3.5m"
description "UK Double Track Gated Crossing with 3.5 metre track spacing"
category-class "TR"
category-region "UK"
trainz-build 2.5
script "Level_Crossing"
class "Level_Crossing"
category-era "1890s;1900s;1910s;1920s;1930s;1940s;1950s;1960s;1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s;2010s"
mesh-table {
default {
mesh ""
anim "open.kin"
anim "close.kin"
auto-create 1
attached-track {
track0 {
track <kuid:9:50001>
useadjoiningtracktype 1
vertices {
0 "a.track0a"
1 "a.track0b"
track1 {
track <kuid:9:50001>
useadjoiningtracktype 1
vertices {
0 "a.track1a"
1 "a.track1b"
road {
track <kuid:-1:100409>
vertices {
0 "a.road0a"
1 "a.road0b"
obsolete-table {
soundscript {
dayloop {
repeat-delay 0,0
distance 25,250
sound {
kuid-table {
0 <kuid:9:50001>
2 <kuid:-1:100409>
thumbnails {
0 {
image "tscrossingthumb.jpg"
width 240
height 180
This Non ATLS Crossing for make need xing boom and lights xing USA I have TRS12 Here