Uk catenary

That's something I'm after as well. I know about the built-in UK catenary for 2004,2006 and the woodhead 1500v but I'm after some DLS based error free 25,000 stuff that would suit a modern installation.

I know Bloodnok did some catenary for tunnels awhile ago, have a look on his KUID 60850, and the other chap I know did some wires and pylons, a few years ago, was melee on KUID 74704, I think Kimmy used these for his two bridges v2 UK route. What about snowsignal on KUID 67906, you might as well have a look to see if he did anything as well whilst you're searching, I'm sure he created something that was electrifying......:hehe:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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