Trouble with tunnels


Trainz Addict
Can anyone point me in the direction of a single or double track tunnel that will align in any direction I need, as do track splines?
Unfortunately, our real world was not build on a 720m X 720m grid where everything lines up square.
I am getting bad results trying to use TRS2006 built-in content.


Due to the limitation of the dighole, the 2 squares of the grid, you can not place a tunnel at just any angle on the baseboard. That is unfortunately a fact of TRS and one has to live with it. 45 degrees or 90 degrees or straight on to 2 squares of your grid, that is all the directions you can place a tunnel.


Due to the limitation of the dighole, the 2 squares of the grid, you can not place a tunnel at just any angle on the baseboard. That is unfortunately a fact of TRS and one has to live with it. 45 degrees or 90 degrees or straight on to 2 squares of your grid, that is all the directions you can place a tunnel.


I don't think that is true. You can make your own tunnels, and these can be at any angle. Only the Auran tunnels are aligned to the grid. There will be difficulties with non-Auran tunnels. You will have to add your own digholes, it will be difficult to cover the wierd holes caused by the digholes being at an angle, and when the train goes through the tunnel, you will not get the "in-tunnel" view that you get with the Auran tunnels. But it can be done, no doubt about that.
Here's a tunnel I made, because I didn't like the Auran portals, and I needed a specific angle. IIRC, the components I used were AJS dighole, uk 1 track stone tunnel, and 1 track wood, (all on the DLS). I made the tunnel portal in gmax as a scenery object, using a photo of the real tunnel entrance.
Mick Berg.
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For one of my 'city' tunnels, I am going to simply put buildings on top of the track, which will be laid below grade, but I don't know what it's going to look like from the driver's point of view.
I haven't started working with G-Max, and don't know if I ever will. As I understand, it is very time consuming, and G-Max has a fairly long learning curve. Of course you guys who have used it will say not. If it's not any more daunting that TransDem, then I think I could handle it;)

I've just used concrete walls and either a concrete roof or road overbridge spline to cover the tracks. There are plenty available on the DLS. Then it's just a matter of putting scenery items in place to disguise the fact that it's not really a tunnel (buildings, trees, etc) and you have a modern tunnel of any length, grade, angle, width... The only thing is if it's raining, your train will still get wet. Hope this helps.
The UK Single and Double Track Tunnels as builtin to TRS2006 and used on Hawes Junction are completely adjustable.Although you have to use a dighole you can cover any gaps with the builtin wingwalls and UK Tunnel Grass Splines.I think Andy06's Tunnels work the same way.