Trees, Grass, Buildings, Track ... etc ... How You Gonna' Find That ?


New member
There are in excess of 31379 assets on the DLS ... and probably at least twice that many on 3rd party sites.

Most have odd schpeeled names such as Waschenlaunge (Loco Washing Plant).

While other assets, such as trees, and grass, are spread out all over the alphabet, from A to Z (Dub15m - Ziel Leaf Off)

Now how are you gonna search for a boxcar, when its name is not: BOXCAR ... it is called CFXT 86Ft Waffle Side Cushioned Car ... it's not even classified under what it is: a BOXCAR

Locos are the same way, named after road numbers, road names, wheel arrangement ... etc
Erie 0-6-0 Camelback ... it's not even classified under what it is: a LOCO-Steam

I have proposed this on many occasions, to re-classify the DLS as to what exactly the asset is:
Tree, Grass, Building, Track, Loco Diesel, Loco Steam, Loco Electric, Boxcar, Flatcar, Tank, Hopper ... Dawg, Kat ... not non-descriptive names like: Skippy, nor Fluffy ... etc

How are you going to search for a box car, when it is under such a broad category: RAILCAR ... and there are no drop down sub-category search panes ... such as Railcar / Boxcar / 40Foot

Someone bright here will come up with the conclusion: "Why don't you just wade through all the 29654 Rolling Stock assets, just to to find your: BOXCAR ... that could take years to find it !

In this case, I asked in a PM to someone about what trees and grass he was using ... I got a vague response, and I was told: "They are on a Russian site and are called Devero, I think" ???

Now how the heck am I gonna search for dat' ?

Photo by Deadpoolmx55:


When posting a screenshot please be descriptive in its category / name ... etc ... (in English please) ... or offer some type of support, and helpfull answers, to users who ask what your assets are, where they can be downloaded from, and the kuid numbers.


Work has commenced at tearing up the Horseshoe Curve original trackage, in leu of the new quad tracked 5.5 mile bore through the mountain. The Tunnel Boring Machine has just broken through the mountain at Kittanning Point. An overhead electrical cantenary system will be installed, making high speed PRR-TGV passenger service from Philadelphia to Chicago a reality ! Tracks 2 & 3 have already been removed, and the ties will torn up next, and the roadbed will be re-graded as the Horseshoe Curve will eventually be replaced by a Rails to Trails bicycle path, suffering the same fate as the Muleshoe Curve.





Not to worry...I will be doing three versions of the "Curve" 1854 single tracked, later doulble tracked, another in it's hayday1920, and lastly the future of rail traffic through the Allegheny-Mountain Division.

EDIT: Hi CT ... The "PRR Marion Steam Shovel" is on is all the rest of the assets, the trees are called "Dub" and "Elm".
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Ironic that you spend a half hour typing this rant over asset names and fail to describe the most prominent thing in your screenshot: the giant TBM.

Also, newsflash: the whole world doesn't only speak English.
TBM is Tunnel Boring Machine?

I sometimes wonder what the official language of Singapore might be: Chinese (Mandarin), Malay, English? I suppose I could look it up but most of the folk I spoke to there spoke English anyway.

No offence intended, but I have visited the Lion City many times since the 60's. Perhaps the most cosmopolitan city in the world.
Yes, TBM refers to the tunnel boring machine. Our administrative language is English. Our national languages are English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. No offence taken, we're a tiny citystate, and at least you didn't confuse us for being somewhere in China! :hehe:

The point is, Cascade - or any reasonable person - can't expect Trainz users from all over the world to only use a naming convention that he can understand. If a German uploads an impeccable model of a Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän and I just happen to need one for my steamship I'm damn well going to download it regardless of what it's called.
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My thing is, how did a rant about naming nomenclature end up becoming a Plug for a future sci-fi Route? If were gonna fix Naming Nomenclature, lets start with this thread's title? I actually thought for a minute I might find some useful piece of advice hither-to unbeknownst to me.... Much to my chagrin.....

To have a flame war, you have to be trying to flame each other.... I don't think the conclusions posted here are in any attempt to flame the OP, but rather express some confusion about what the OP said in his first post.... A conclusion I feel to be well grounded if you read it.....

What i meant was that it could turn into one at some point, due to the nature of the opening post itself. Someone'll say somethin' and someone else'll get mad at 'im, and the cycle continues.

Just sayin'.

BTW: You hit your 500th post with that one, Falcus.

Keep calm and carry on,
Can you tell me what route that is in the first screenshot that you posted? That route looks amazing. The reason why is I am looking for as many detailed routes as possible to run. Thanks...
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Also Google translate is your friend. I've learned German and use that to my advantage by searching with German words to find items. The same can be done with any language just type the word in Google, translate, paste in CMP and there you have it.
Here is a good idea: learn to use all those filters in CMP to find what you want.

There is only one filter on the White Pages DLS, for railcars: Rollingstock, 29652 assts to scroll through ... that sounds like allot of fun

Ironic that you spend a half hour typing this rant over asset names and fail to describe the most prominent thing in your screenshot: the giant TBM.

Also, newsflash: the whole world doesn't only speak English.

What part about: "Tunnel Boring Machine" can you not read in my first post ?

This is why the world speaks in so many tongues, like the town of Babble, in the Bible ... so that no one else can understand a word you are saying.

There is absolutely no organizarion to the DLS, and it will remain that way forever ... and will get even worse ... There sure are allot of hostile, hating people on this Forum


Seniorchief gantry signals protect "Spruce" interlocking, on GFishers PRR Signal Bridge.

The line was reduced to down 3 tracks after the great hurricane of 1931 washed away much of the RR right of way along the Juniata River.
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I think NS37 Means these:

See the big Search Box on the left? and the Predefined Search Tabs at the top? Makes it really easy to find content.....

Not going to comment on the content. But nice route & idea; however I think your TBM is facing the wrong way. The cutting head (the part that actually digs the hole) you have facing out of the cutting, towards the track. When it should (presuming it's about to start digging) be facing towards the mountain.

If a German uploads an impeccable model of a Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän and I just happen to need one for my steamship I'm damn well going to download it regardless of what it's called.

But how are you going to search for: "Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän" ... if you don't even know what that is, and what category it falls under ?




---------->Farm Animal



---------->US SG
---------->4ft 8 1/2 " (1430)
---------->42" (1.066)
---------->36" (0.914)


Inside Spruce Creek tunnel ... MP Track Wood v2 by Philskene, and MP Tunneltrack Dark by Josefpav
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all i have to say is i found them myself, why cant anyone else seem to do so? nobody held my hand and told me where to get things, search trainz666 for the trees
and the grass is UNRELEASED JR CONTENT, and the route is a Fiction route by myself, not horseshoe curve
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all i have to say is i found them myself, why cant anyone else seem to do so? nobody held my hand and told me where to get things, search trainz666 for the trees
That is the problem ... you just so happened to come across those fabulous trees, all by shear luck, or totally by chance ... or maybe a friend told you where to get them.

The point being ... we are not united as a Trainz Community ... and everyone is not willing to help everyone else, and only offer snippy, snide, rude, comments ... like go get it yourself, I'm not holding your hand, you're on your own ... I ain't helpin'

I'm looking for them: trainz666

Two seconds using Google
Danube Steam Ship Captain......... You have the tools learn to use them ;o)
So for a SHIP ... I would search under "D" for Danube ???

I think NS37 Means these:"][/U]

See the big Search Box on the left? and the Predefined Search Tabs at the top? Makes it really easy to find content.....


Everyone knows how to use the in-game DLS to find categories, and sub-categories ... etc ...
Not all the assets you need, are on the in-game DLS !
I'm talking about the White Pages DLS, and the Black Pages DLS


Aussie Nightcrawler's F7 exit Spruce Creek tunnel, as SD45's on the rear, are helping shove a westbound coal towards Altoona.
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