Transfering ZIP files onto CMP

How do you transfer ZIP folders onto CMP. By the way I have TRS06 if that makes any difference.

The way I do it is to double click on the zip file. This will open the contents in a sub folder. Open CMP and click on "Import CDP" or "Import Content" whichever the case may be. Direct it to the sub folder and import .

This is all done in Windows XP, by the way...
Zip files can contain one or more of absolutely any kind of file - not necessarily Trainz related in any way.

After extracting the contents of a zip file, check what files you've got. Especially look for a readme file which might give some instructions.

If in doubt, get back to the web site where you downloaded the zip file and ask them for help.

BTW, rar files are a very similar concept.

You require a zip unfastner to extract all the files inside, this is one of the better ones on the internet, and it's free to download.
Put it into your "My Documents" area on your PC/Laptop.
After you have installed it, whatever rar files you download from any website in the future, ensure you put them into your "My Documents" area and just click on them and the folder with the files in, or a cdp, will automatically appear. Then using your CMP go into your "My Documents" area and highlight all the cdp files and then click and they will appear in your open for edit section, then commit them...
Easy peasy when you've done it a few times......The cdp's in your "My Documents" area can then either be deleted, or, archived onto a CD if you want to keep them.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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I usually just open the zip file in Windows (with TRS running) and double click on the .cdp file and confirm I want to run it. If it is not a .cdp then I extract the folder and CTRL+F+M to import it. For a .rar file you will need a 3rd party unzipping program but again if I open the file in (my case) Winzip I can double click as before.
Use a bit of cation when unzipping, after unzipping give it a check with whatever virus checker you are using, and there is no reason for anything but the cdp to be in the .zip, if there is treat with extreme cation :D :wave:

Cheers David
Also, in most cases you want to enable to option to preserve folder structure when extracting the contents of a zip or rar archive file.
