Transfer Sessions to new Route


New member
Hi, I've much to learn about Trainz so apologise if this is a simple thing to do. I've revised a Route (eg L1) and saved it as L2 but now find that there are no sessions associated with the L2 route. Is there a simple way to copy the required sessions with associated schedules etc from L1 and paste or import them into L2? Could I have saved the relevant L1 sessions when I first saved the L2 Route?
As far as I know (as I have never tried it) you cannot transfer a session from one route to a different route. Even though your two route started out being identical, the changes that you may have made could easily make any of the original sessions incompatible with the new route.

For example: Consists in a session in the original route would be located at specific points along the tracks in that original route. In your new route, some of those sections of track could have been deleted or moved to new, even if only slightly different, positions. This would make the session data, based on the original route, totally meaningless.

If I am wrong in any of these assumptions, then I have no doubt that someone will correct me.

It is possible to transfer a session to another route but whether it will work is a different story.

Take note of the kuid number of the route you want to use the session in.

Edit the session in explorer and in the con fig file look for the map tag, usually near the top of the config file. Change the map kuid in the map tag to the kuid of the route you want to use it in and change it in the kuid table. save and commit changes then see if it works.

It can be done, and I've done it myself. Keep in mind this only works with a clone of the same route, meaning a save as and will not work with a totally different route. :)

This has to be done in Content Manager, and I recommend cloning the session you want to use, rather than using the original.

1) In Content Manager, open the route for edit in Explorer. This is an option in the Edit menu, or right-click on the route and choose the option from the menu.
2) Using Notepad, edit the config.txt file, and change the KUID from the old session to the one you want to use.
3) Save the config.txt
4) Close the folder
5) Commit the route back to the database by highlighting the route and pressing CTRL+M or by choosing the option from the edit menu. There maybe a warning about a missing dependencies. Don't panic, yet as this will go away once the session is updated.
6) Repeat the same in the session in Content Manager. Change the route KUID in the config.txt file to correspond with the KUID for the new route.

Make sure both the route and session are committed, and check for errors and warnings. If there are any errors, check that you didn't make a typo.

I hope I got this right. It's a bit past my bedtime and I'm a bit groggy.

Thanks for the help guys. Unfortunately my Trainz knowledge to date doesn't extend to cloning the session I want to transfer. Once I've done this I think I might be able to follow the rest ok - will no doubt find out soon!
Thanks for the help guys. Unfortunately my Trainz knowledge to date doesn't extend to cloning the session I want to transfer. Once I've done this I think I might be able to follow the rest ok - will no doubt find out soon!

In Content Manager, right click on your original session and select clone from the dropdown menu. You should now see you new session in a new screen. Right click on it and select edit in explorer. From the new screen edit the config.txt file as shown above, save exit the explorer screen and commit the new asset.
Thanks again for the help. I've cloned the session (eg ABC) which contains the driver schedule info I'm after. Have then edited the config file of the clone and altered the map-kuid to that of the new Route kuid, have also altered the clone kuid table as well. Have then committed both the session and route with no problems but when I open the session in the new route there is no ABC session available. What I'm really after is the Schedule info for each of the Drivers but will probably have to redo these for the new route. Still a lot to learn but all useful info, many thanks.

Make sure you replaced the session KUID, in the route, with the one from your cloned session.

In the cloned session, make sure you put in the route KUID.

I understand about not wanting to lose this info! This is why I did this too as I had spent about two days setting up a comlex route session with many, many long routes and complex commands.

Hi John,

Have looked at the Route config file but there doesn't seem anywhere to add the Session kuid. I've also checked the config file for the original route and there is no mention of the Session kuid on that either. However I have now managed (somehow) to transfer the cloned session to the new route but unfortunately it contains no Schedule info so looks as though I'll have to rewrite it anyway. Many thanks for your help and also all the other answers, at least I've learnt a bit more about the complexities of Trainz and will know not to change a Route name without its attached session.

Hi Richard - Not sure if this will do what you want, but if you are using TS12+SP1+HF4 you can copy a rule from one session to another.

On the original or cloned session, edit the session and right-click on the Driver Setup rule. Click Copy.

Open and edit another session, right-click on the rules and paste the copied rule. Delete the original Driver Setup rule.

You might also be able to run with both rules enabled.

Cheers - Trevor
Hi John,

Have looked at the Route config file but there doesn't seem anywhere to add the Session kuid. I've also checked the config file for the original route and there is no mention of the Session kuid on that either. However I have now managed (somehow) to transfer the cloned session to the new route but unfortunately it contains no Schedule info so looks as though I'll have to rewrite it anyway. Many thanks for your help and also all the other answers, at least I've learnt a bit more about the complexities of Trainz and will know not to change a Route name without its attached session.


You do not need to change anything in the new route config.txt file.

It is the cloned session config.txt file that needs to be changed so that it points to your new route by changing the map-kuid reference and the corresponding entry in the kuid table.
You could have opened your route from the edit session instead of edit route. This you could have then saved as new name and the session and route would now appear under the new name. the old map and session would also still be there under the old name if you required it.
Hi, unfortunately I don't have SP1 as my build update to 61388 keeps failing, probably the subject for a new thread. However, it's all good info and I learned a lot about Content manager which will help in the future. In the meantime I've rewritten my schedules to the new route/session so all up and running again. Many thanks for all the replies.
Hi, unfortunately I don't have SP1 as my build update to 61388 keeps failing, probably the subject for a new thread. However, it's all good info and I learned a lot about Content manager which will help in the future. In the meantime I've rewritten my schedules to the new route/session so all up and running again. Many thanks for all the replies.

Hi Richard,

Good news on your schedules... ;)

Yes, you do have SP1 HF4, so you are all up-to-date.

Hi John,

Sorry but I must have confused you with my previous reply. My current build is 49922 and I need to update it to 63388 to bring it up to date and include SP1. Unfortunately the download keeps crashing at the same point each time - see my Thread "Trainz 12 - Build Out of Date" for all the info.

Cheers, Richard