TransDEM Trainz Manual (pdf)


Some guidance please.

Various posts have refered to the above named manual, for example:-

"How to use Google Earth and TransDEM to create routes for Trainz.

NOTE: It is assumed you have already followed the TransDEM Trainz Edition PDFinstructions under section "Installing the TransDEM Ground Textures" (Page 14) and theinstruction under section "Downloading and Installing the Trainz Mesh Importer" (Page16). Both procedures are necessary for creating routes. You may optionally install the"Wireframe Replacement Texture for Trainz Surveyor" by following the procedure onPage 16."

I have TransDEM version loaded on my PC and the only "Manual" I seem to be able to access is a 181 page epic, obtained when I open the TransDEM program and then press the "Help" key. Unfortunately pages 14 and 16 of this lengthy tome do not in any way shape or form correlate to Ground Texture, Mesh Importing or Wireframe replacement.

It seems evident there is another (hopefully less lengthy) manual to be had somewhere. Another posting made reference to it being contained in a document file within the original download ZIP from RZ - if so which/what file? I'm sure it's staring me in the face but I can't find it. Can someone please put me out of my misery?

Many thanks

John Webster
Send a PM to JCitron and ask nicely if he will share the link to his very helpful TransDEM quick guides. They help me get started with TransDEM a little while back, very helpful, still learning it, not an easy monster to tame... But have been able to get it to work.
pitmilly, you were probably looking at the standard TransDEM help manual under the Help Menu. There is a more specific Trainz/TransDEM help manual available on one of the button bars. See the green arrow in the below screen shot:

View attachment 1401 (click to enlarge)

If you open up the folder where you installed TransDEM and then open the "Dokumentation" folder you will see FIVE pdf files, one of which is TransDEMTrainz_engl.pdf and this is the one you require if you want a copy to peruse at your leisure without opening TransDEM all the time.
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Hi John,

Here are my docs as they are. Some of this might be helpful, but some may not if you are going to download images from the US National Geologic Survey which has changed everything from when I put this together about a year ago.!AkuzBzLIoTefgYsEcHhjcpIYZhMkKQ

I will update my documentation when I have a chance once my other projects have settled down into a routine rather than a top-level chaos where they are now.
To Christopher, Andrew, Mike and John,

Thank you all for setting out some vital marker buoys in the murky waters of TransDEM for Trainz . Have now located the specific Manual version that had been identified in the earlier commentaries on this forum.

I suppose I might have eventually found it by wading through all the files in the original download in Explorer but I certainly would not have though of opening the program and then pounding the "?" on the R/H side of the third taskbar row in order to bring up a second instruction manual. Putting it there seems like an exercise in how to make what should be straightforward even more difficult. However, I got there with your help and I have at least reduced my essential reading down from 181 to a mere 102 pages.

John - thank you for your notes - had already located these on a search about a week back from one of your earlier 2016 posts. Have printed them off and added them to my study list!!!!!

Again, many thanks.
