Trainz Plus Beta - 112778 (PC)


Trainz Plus - enjoy Trainz from just 20 cents a da
Build 111951 to 112778 is now available on the Trainz Plus Beta stream.

Surveyor 2.0 (S20) is disabled in this release, but the underlying code is there. In theory, Class Surveyor should work exactly as it did before. Please report any regressions you find.

NOTE: This build is build 4.9 and therefore routes created in this version cannot be run on older builds.


  • Dynamic brakes are now working when travelling backward
  • Driver "under water" overlay no longer renders on top of the HUD
  • Wheelslip sound no longer playing on Steam locos under DCC control
  • Fix - Script regulator = GetEngineSetting("regulator"); returns 0
  • Fix - Steam locomotive controls 'reverse' when heading reversed
  • Fix - Portals - reversed locos cause coupler break
  • Fix for long loading time in MP
  • Fix the driver list allowing multiplayer clients to delete drivers (leading to sync errors)
  • Fix - MP - focus to player is greyed out
  • Fix - Multiplayer trains frequently drawn with incorrect orientation
  • Fix - Minimap consist names don't move with consist
  • Fix - Moving the camera along a consist using -/= gets "stuck".
  • Fixed Safety Valve sound
  • Fix - Object adjust height tool is jumpy/uncontrollable using ctrl or shift modifier keys
  • Fix - Newly added layers are not shown to user until the layer tab is reopened
  • Fix - Assertion when moving a trackside object from session to route layer.
  • Fix - Assertion placing traincars - ReplicationManager::CreateDynamicNodeFromNetwork
  • Fix - MPS "Find" not very robust wrt/ streaming
  • Fix - MPS route not saving client location
  • Fix sorting of multiplayer routes/sessions in the menu
  • Fix - MPS/Surveyor keyboard shortcuts not working at startup
  • Fix - Trainz calls Cabin.UserSetControl() for each button in the cab every frame
  • Fix - Loco reduces momentum instantly when decoupling while moving
  • Fix - Fix a bug in route merge which was wiping the status of session layers
  • Add extra status validity checking in the LayerTable to catch cases which might do this again in the future
  • Add code to force correct the validity status of layers on load
  • Fix a stack overflow with carz
  • Fix a crash during surveyor train editing
  • Fix - Industry loses commodities in save game
  • Fix - Assertion during Copy Paste where height is selected
  • MeshObject clutter crash fix, and assorted minor allocation optimisations
  • Optimsation - Zooming to minimap and back forces visual regeneration
  • Several DRM server updates
  • Turntables no longer leaving tracks aligned unexpectedly when using UDS
  • Fix to some track segments not rendering

Known issues;

  • Water effects include two unsupported bindings the UI allows users to select & paint, to no effect.
  • One or more assets using pbrmetalmasked are not rendering
  • W.i.p., updates to in-cab controls (unsure of effects on various old cab control implementations)
  • A "ClientChunk" assertion message will appear on first load - you can ignore this.
  • Copy/Paste has broken (it was working last week - sorry about that)
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Got it installed and running a database update.

Upon the database update, I had the the follow message popup

210603.2031.38 error.
me too and on top when continue working like before this morning I installed the patch now copy past on my side seem not to work anymore. Copy looks doing something but when hit P (paste)than its end of the command and nothing to paste.
Thanks for the heads up Roy - copy/paste was working last week. That's why we run beta tests. I suggest going back to 111951 for route building.
Not being offered a patch on launcher, ran Patch Installer exe and found 'no patch available for this product' - Gold 111951
** @Roy - Can you select paste button with the mouse and paste a copy to a baseboard?
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nope you can select copy, draw the rectangle like always than hit P or ctrl v and than nothing happens no rectangle for doing the paste.
Grazlash - have you selected Trainz Plus Beta?
(and we've confirmed copy paste is broken)
All good now, I had it set to TRS19 beta at first. Had to run it off the patch installer and once I changed to Plus beta it worked. Running DBR now.
I also got the same assertion message - if it's expensive and never useful it sounds overpriced to me...:hehe:
yees a remarkable meessage!
I for now have to fight trainz ghosts as going back to a former veersion it seems i losee all my picklists.
Anybody has a way to locate them and link them to the now curreent version for me?

I bought this year a new logitec keyboard (expensive)but hoped it would ddeliver. G 913 fancy and for now since 2 weeks a total ddisaster keys start repeat some always the same like the e and d some others too.
Am i the only one with this weird bug?:eek:
I lookedd all over the place for solutions but no luck so far.
Installed ok, did a 7.5 hr EDBR after install, d/l a Wyoming Coal from the DLS, immediate CDT twice. DBR after each CDT, Attempted to run an installed route same results. Toooooooooo tired to try again. I'll test again in the morning.

yees a remarkable meessage!
I for now have to fight trainz ghosts as going back to a former veersion it seems i losee all my picklists.
Anybody has a way to locate them and link them to the now curreent version for me?

I bought this year a new logitec keyboard (expensive)but hoped it would ddeliver. G 913 fancy and for now since 2 weeks a total ddisaster keys start repeat some always the same like the e and d some others too.
Am i the only one with this weird bug?:eek:
I lookedd all over the place for solutions but no luck so far.
Roy, I googled Logitech G613 and G913 problem. There are quite a number of users on Reddit who have the same issue and it was solved on the G613 by changing the batteries, apparently it occurs when the voltage drops below 1.5v (new batteries are usually 1.65v) once the batteries were changed the problem disappeared. I hope this solution works for your G913 as well. I would recommend using lithium non-rechargable batteries as they hold their voltage until almost depleted.
Installed, DBR completed ok.
First look at CM revealed a new "status" of Packaged. Ok, exactly what does Packaged mean in relation to other status, eg. Installed from DLS, Payware etc. Runs ok, more extensive testing tomorrow.
Update no problem and was fast. Now doing DBR which always take some time. I did get this not sure why.
; <NULL> : Scanning for added asset files
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc025s' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc025' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236s' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc025f' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236d_0' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc025d' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236d_1' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236f_0' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236f_1' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc236f_2' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276d_1' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276s' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276f_0' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276d_0' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276f_1' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_1' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc313f' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_0' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_2' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc313p' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297s' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276f_2' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_3' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc313s' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_4' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc407' at version '20201208202526_743_1' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450f_0' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc441' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450d' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297d' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_5' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450f_1' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450f_2' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc297f_6' at version '97966' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450s' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc489s' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc489f' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc489p' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc486' at version '20201208212933_749_1' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491f_0' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491s' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491f_1' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc490' at version '20201215214211_750_1' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495d' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491f_2' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491d' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491f_3' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495f_2' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495f_1' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc484' at version '20210127165345_744_1' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc450f_3' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495f_0' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc491f_4' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc498' at version '20201215143650_751_1' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495s' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc495f_3' at version '104441' for platform 'standard-5'
Quick and easy patch, installed and a long edbr, was too tired to do some testing, but as others have pointed out, the copy/paste is broken for me as well.
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Update no problem and was fast. Now doing DBR which always take some time. I did get this not sure why.
; <NULL> : Scanning for added asset files
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc276' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
- <NULL> : Failed to download precached data for package 'sc025s' at version '12345' for platform 'standard-5'
-... etc. ...

This is normal. The update is newer than the packages that are precached on the server. You can ignore these.
@grazlash thanks a million mate!
I have a look at it in the morning to see if the g 913 allows easy open and safe3 replace of batteries.

BTW anyone else having the copy and paste bug in 112778?:o

yep, it was working in the previous build, hopefully maybe a hotfix for that and the bug for the steam engines involving the water injector as I just found will be fixed, and I almost forgot, the train tab which is slow to load also has that annoying spinning cursor, therefore makes placing any locomotive passenger and/or freight car on the tracks difficult.
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@grazlash thanks a million mate!
I have a look at it in the morning to see if the g 913 allows easy open and safe3 replace of batteries.

BTW anyone else having the copy and paste bug in 112778?:o

Just checked here Roy, definitely not working.
I got this one here as well as this ain't good and another I didn't get the screen capture on regarding mesh weight. This one, for some reason didn't come out as expected, is in regards to MeshBoneAsInUse> unknown bone: r.base001



  • Untitled.jpg
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I have two issues to report:

(1) Selecting the "Today date filters" does not show past items installed on any date before 4th June 2021.
(2) All my people (passengers) by mgalling are faulty:
; <kuid2:70791:35540:1> : Validating <kuid2:70791:35540:1> ! <kuid2:70791:35540:1> : VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
- <kuid2:70791:35540:1> : VE34: Alias mesh '' not found in latest version (<kuid:-25:1354>) of dependency <kuid:-3:10060>.
- <kuid2:70791:35540:1> : VE76: Unable to load mesh file: ''
! <kuid2:70791:35540:1> : VE22: Missing or invalid selection for tag 'category-region' in 'scenery'.
! <kuid2:70791:35540:1> : VE22: Missing or invalid selection for tag 'category-era' in 'scenery'.