Trainz: Canadian Steam

As the Trainz Community is getting more and more interested with Canadian Steam i have decided to start a new thread which shows where you can get every available Canadian Steam Locomotive for Trainz as well as showing future projects of Canadian Steam Locomotives.
Also Canadian Steam Locomotive private reskins will be shown that require you to private message the creator to obtain them.

NOTE: Make sure you visit this thread every once and a while as this post will be updated when a new Canadian Steam Train project starts or a new Canadian Steam Train has been released.
Also Canadian Steam Train private reskins will be announced too, as soon as i have found out about them and if they can be obtained by asking the creator.

-------------------- Canadian Steam Locomotives that are available --------------------

---------- Canadian Pacific Works ( --------

CPR 2860 Pack: (Released: 24th Dec 2015) (Updated: 24th May 2016)

---------- Dynamic Reskins ( ----------

Southern Railway 2839: (Released: 01 Dec 2015) [This was orginally a Canadian Pacific engine.]

---------- K&L Trainz ( ----------

Canadian National N4a/N4b 2-8-0: (Payware: $5.00)
Canadian National O-18-a 0-6-0: (Payware: $7.50) (Released: 22nd Jan 2015)
Canadian National E-10-a 2-6-0: (Payware: $7.50) (Released: 29th May 2015)
Canadian National G-16-a 4-6-0: (Payware: $7.50) (Released: 26th Nov 2015)
Canadian National S-1-b 2-8-2: (Payware: $10.00) (Released: 13th Oct 2016)
Canadian Pacific T-1-c 2-10-4: (Payware: $10.00) (Released: 3rd Feb 2017)

---------- Subpar Productions ( ----------

Canadian Pacific Royal Hudson (4-6-4): (Released: 23rd Dec 2014)

---------- Trainz Download Station ( ----------

CN U2g Northern: Username: austin316hockey (Released: 10th Apr 2013)
CNR 0-6-0 #7439(F): Username: froobie (Released: 7th Jun 2014)
CPR 0-6-0 #6166(F): Username: froobie (Released: ​7th Jun 2014)
CNR 0-8-0 #8397(F): Username: froobie (Released: 11th Jun 2014)
CNR 2-10-2 (T-4a) #4100(F): Username: froobie (Released: 18th Jun 2014)
CPR 2-10-2 (S-2a) #5805(F): Username: froobie (Released: ​18th Jun 2014)
CPR 2-10-2 (S-2a) #5806(F): Username: froobie (Released: 18th Jun 2014)
CPR 2-10-2 (S-2a) #5810(F): Username: froobie (Released: 18th Jun 2014)
CNR 2-6-0 #745(F): Username: froobie (Released: 6th Jul 2014)
CPR 2-6-0 #3011(F): Username: froobie (Released: 6th Jul 2014)
CPR 2-6-0 #3029(F): Username: froobie (Released: 6th Jul 2014)
CPR 4-6-2 (G2d) #2663(F): Username: froobie (Released: 7th Sep 2014)
CNR 4-6-2 (J-7-c) #5295(F): Username: froobie (Released: 8th Sep 2014)
CPR 4-6-2 (G2f) #2555(F): Username: froobie (Released: 8th Sep 2014)
CPR 4-6-2 (G2f) #2557(F): Username: froobie (Released: 8th Sep 2014)
CNR 2-8-2 (S-1-b) #3275(F): Username: froobie (Released: 13th Sep 2014)
CPR 2-8-2(P2b) #5323(F): Username: froobie (Released: 13th Sep 2014)
CPR 2-8-2 (P2b) #5324(F): Username: froobie (Released: 13th Sep 2014)
CPR 2-8-2 (P2b) #5387(F): Username: froobie (Released: 13th Sep 2014)
CPR 4-6-2 G5a #1201: Username: tigerko15 (Released: 6th Mar 2016)
Ohio Central G5d 4-6-2 #1293: Username: tigerko15 (Released: 6th Mar 2016) [This was orginally a Canadian Pacific engine.]

---------- US Locomotive Works ( ----------

Canadian National 2-8-2: (Released: 18th Jul 2007)

-------------------- Canadian Steam Locomotives that are future projects --------------------

---------- Canadian Pacific Works ( ----------

CPR 2816:

---------- K&L Trainz ( ----------

CP T1a 2-10-4 Selkirk:
CN K-3 4-6-2 Pacific:

---------- Peter's Trainz ( ----------

CPR 4-6-4 2816:
CPR 4-6-2 2317:
CN 4-8-2 6060:
British Columbia Royal Hudson 2860:

-------------------- Canadian Steam Locomotives that are private reskins that require you to private message the creator in order to get them --------------------

CPR 2-8-2 #5400 (Part-Streamliner): Made by: tigerko15
CPR 2-8-2 #5433: Made by: tigerko15

Thank you for visiting this thread, have a nice day.
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Thanks for the big list :D
Do you offer any troubleshooting info?
I have a problem with CPR 4-6-2 G5a #1201, I got all the dependencies and put them in the right place.
I ran an error check and there is no missing or errors, however the missing dependencies symbol is still present.
i second the nice work, I will definitely use your list, as I operate on some Canadian Routes in my Route Merges Etc..

Thank you PendennisCastle!
Thanks for the big list :D
Do you offer any troubleshooting info?
I have a problem with CPR 4-6-2 G5a #1201, I got all the dependencies and put them in the right place.
I ran an error check and there is no missing or errors, however the missing dependencies symbol is still present.

what dependency says its gone?
that's just it, there is no missing dependencies or errors, but when i commit the file it still shows the missing dependencies symbol
that's just it, there is no missing dependencies or errors, but when i commit the file it still shows the missing dependencies symbol

The missing asset seems to be <kuid2:98966:60000:1> by flamerail. According to the config.txt it is used for all coronas. (name markerw)

According to you can find it here

And sure enough in TANE at least installing this locomotive fixes tigerko15's G5a (and his Ohio Central G5d too)
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Where can I find a canadian 2-6-0? It's a very old model but i'm looking everywhere for it with no luck.


I saw it once before on a Canadian steam thread from long ago, I just can't find it anymore
( somewhere in America ) I kind of want K&L Trainz to make some CRI&P ( Rock Island ) and Lehigh Valley Engines. If he did, I would choose the Northerns first. ( meanwhile in Canada ) Also, what would be a very nice thing would be for Steve to make the CP G3 pacific. Specifically #2317
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